Payette United Methodist Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter (recorded at Fruitland United Methodist Church) April 25, 2021 – 11:00 A.M. Prelude: Welcome and Announcements Interlude Welcoming the Light of Christ and inviting the neighborhood to worship CALL TO WORSHIP Calling Song King of Kings TFWS #2075 King of kings and Lord of lords, glory, hallelujah! King of kings and Lord of lords, glory, hallelujah! Jesus, Prince of Peace, glory, hallelujah! Jesus, Prince of Peace, glory, hallelujah! Responsive Reading from Psalm 23 Leader: The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. People: He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside still waters. Leader: He restores my soul. People: He leads in paths of righteousness for his name sake. Leader: Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. All: And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Unison Invocation Heavenly Father, In you we find life, health, and strength. Through your gifts we are clothed and fed. Through your mercy we have been forgiven and transformed. We gather today because we know all this yet need to be reminded. Thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen Gospel Reading John 10:11-18 New Testament Reading 1 John 3:18-24 God’s Word for God’s People. Thanks be to God! Hymn More Like You TFWS #2167 More like you, Jesus, more like you. Fill my heart with your desire to make me more like you. More like you, Jesus, more like you. Tough my lips with holy fire and make me more like you. Offering our gifts and tithes Unison offering prayer Heavenly Father, please bless these financial gifts. They are important and needed. But help us to also give love wherever we are – to our families, our neighbors, even to strangers – just like Jesus in whose name we pray. Amen. Prayers of the People Message What’s The Charge? Acts 4:8-12 *Commitment Hymn His Name is Wonderful UMH #174 His name is wonderful, His name is wonderful, His name is wonderful, Jesus my Lord. He is the mighty King, Master of everything; His name is wonderful, Jesus, my Lord. He’s the great Shepherd, the Rock of all ages, Almighty God is he; Bow down before him, Love and adore him, His name is wonderful, Jesus, my Lord. Unison Benediction May the peace of the Lord Jesus go with you wherever he may send you. May he guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm. May he bring you home rejoicing at the wonders he has shown you. May he bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors. Postlude: Thank you for Worshiping with us today! Note: All vocals have been pre-recorded and are covered by CCLI License #1552544. You can now make your Tithes and Offerings online by clicking on the button below. You do not have to have a PayPal Account to use this, and it is safe and secure! Make a one-time donation, or set up recurring Tithe.
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