Hi Everyone! November 30, 2023
The big news this week is the Winter Festival! Lots of folks have been working really hard on this event. It always shows how well we work together and I love that! If you aren’t able to volunteer to help, here’s something you can do. Invite people to come eat, see the nativity scenes, shop, buy raffle tickets, play bingo and bid on the silent auction items. Please come with them! We decorated the church last Sunday and it looks so beautiful! Lots of people stayed and helped so it went up pretty fast. If you are bringing baked goods to the Winter Festival, please get them to the church before 5 p.m. on Friday. The church will be open all afternoon. Call me on my cell if you want to make sure the church is unlocked. So that you can make plans, our Christmas service schedule looks like this: Since Christmas Eve is on Sunday this year, we will have our regular service at 11:00 a.m. and our candlelight service at 6:00 p.m. Then on Christmas morning, a Monday, we will have a short Christmas Day service at 11:00 a.m. This one will be very casual. In fact, wear your pajamas if you want! I know our pastor will! Here's some good news… our very own Sharon Wada has been chosen as the Grand Marshall for the Winter Wonderland Parade in Ontario this year! That’s quite an honor. Congrats Sharon! The good news for Carmen’s cousin Tory is that he was able to go home recently and will recover in his own home. We will continue to pray for Tory. He and his wife appreciate our prayers. Monday Morning Coffee with the Pastor will resume this coming Monday at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction from 9-12. Go visit with our pastor and she’ll even buy your coffee! I received an email today from the Sage District letting us know that Don Essinger from Fruitland UMC just received a cancer diagnosis. Please keep Don and Letha and their family in your prayers. Our bishop, Cedrick Bridgeforth’s mother, Doris passed away recently. Please keep our bishop and his family in your prayers. We have some prayer requests. Please keep these folks on your prayer list: Lis Williamson, Debra Street, the Stephan Family, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Olivia Bybee, Josh, Bob Maynard, and Larry and Irene Jeffries. We hope to see everyone at church this December. Let’s fill up the pews! I’ll see you at the Winter Festival this Friday! We hope to see you on Friday and Sunday! See you soon. Blessings, Cris
Upcoming Events
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. James and Pastor Mary Beth are inviting us to a Christmas party and ornament exchange on Saturday, December 16th at 3 p.m. at their home. Save the date! Christmas Eve services will be at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. We will have a Christmas Day service at 11:00 a.m. Wear your pjs! Payette United Methodist Church
November 26, 2023 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “We Will Glorify the King of Kings” TFWS #2087 all vs. Call to Worship – Glenora Wright One: Arise, O Church, and look! Many: The night is nearly over; the day is almost here! One: We know not when the Lord is coming. Many: So let us put aside the deeds of shadow and put on the armor of light. One: Come! Let us worship the Lord as we await God’s appearing! Many: May the light of Christ shine in the shadow! God’s Kingdom endures forever! Opening Prayer (in unison) – Glenora Wright We proclaim the greatness of the Lord, and our spirits rejoice in God our Savior! For you, Lord, have looked with favor on your lowly servants. You, the Almighty, have done great things for us and holy is your name. You have mercy on those who fear you from generation to generation. You have shown strength with your arm and scattered the proud in their conceit, casting down the mighty from their thrones and lifting up the lowly. You have filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty. You have come to the aid of your people, to remember the promise of mercy, the promise made to our forebears, to Abraham and Sarah and their children forever. Amen. . Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading Ephesians 1:15-23 (CEB) Advent Candle Lighting Glenora Wright Sing Together “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” Praise Song: “Light of Those Whose Dreary Dwelling” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us” UMH#381 vs. 1,2,4 Message: Pastor Mary Beth Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 (CEB) Praise Song: “O Come Divine Messiah” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth This Advent and always, remain watchful with your eyes on Christ, whose birth in a manger is a promise of his coming again in glory. And may the blessing of God the All-Loving, Christ the Son, and the God the Holy Spirit be with you now and forevermore. This Advent season, may we go forth as people of living hope. May we live as if we believe God’s promises are true. Christ has come, and Christ will come again. Come, Lord Jesus! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Olivia Bybee, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Annie’s mom Katie, Bob Maynard, Larry and Irene Jeffries Jean Stephan passed away last week. Services are pending. Keep her family in your prayers. Upcoming Events
No Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week The Winter Festival is this Friday. We will need everyone’s help. Please talk to Glenora to find out where you are needed. Please consider making some yummy baked goods for bakery! We will be Hanging the Greens after church today. We will be moving tables for Winter Festival too. Please plan to stay and help if you can Hi Everyone! November 22, 2023
I’m so proud of us! We donated a little over $450 to help Caleb Smith buy a brand-new custom-made Baritone Saxophone! As always, we made a difference! I received word this morning that the Payette Nazarene Church will be having a concert on Saturday, December 9th at 6:00 p.m. The Liberty Quartet will be performing that evening. There is no admission fee but a free will offering will be taken. I put a poster on the bulletin with more information. It should be great! I delivered 42 twenty-five-dollar Albertsons Gift Cards to Wicap last week. They will be giving them to deserving folks to help them make ends meet which is always difficult this time of year. Thanks for always stepping up to help our community. Glenora has collected all the silent auction items for the Winter Festival. This year instead of posting the bids, they will be written on cards and put inside an envelope and the highest bid will win. This will prevent people being polite and not outbidding their friends! Here is a list of the items: 1 lb. packages of hamburger from Glenora, beauty box, kids’ books, plasma globe, mini fridge/wine cooler, lottery ticket wreath, Pyrex food storage, Dewalt drill kit, 12 days of jelly, knives, restaurant gift cards, Trader Joe’s treats, and Christmas decorations. I’m sure you can see some must haves from that list! Make sure you come to the festival and take some of these great items home with you. Please bring your nativity scenes to church ASAP. They will be put up early next week. Bring them anytime the church is open or call me and we can make arrangements to get them here. Our nativity tour is a special part of the Winter Festival so let’s get crackin’. Curt and Carol Stephan were in church on Sunday with the sad news that Jean passed away on Saturday. Curt told me that she was doing her normal activities up until just a little bit before she passed away. Jean was a special part of PUMC and she will be missed. Curt also mentioned that if someone is interested in Jean’s prized organ, please let him know. I have his contact information. Services will be through Shaffer Jensen and are pending. I’ll let you know when I have more information. Please keep all of Jean’s family in your prayers. Continue to pray for the Hood’s grandson Josh. He started chemo recently but was able to get married and to on his honeymoon to Hawaii first. That’s a blessing! Debra Street is secretary at Fruitland UMC. Her husband Ed passed away just a couple of weeks after his diagnosis of cancer. Please keep Debra and her family in your prayers. Please keep praying for Olivia Bybee, Lis Williamson, Shannon Osborn, Hugh Homan, Tory, Jim Warzyn and Larry and Irene Jeffries. I’m copying a letter that Teresa Beer wrote to keep us informed about the church’s finances. If you have questions after reading it, please talk to someone on the Finance Committee. She read this letter in church on Sunday. Good morning, I’m Teresa Beer, the co-chair of the Finance Committee. I’m here to give you an update on the finances of the church. Last spring, I came to you to ask for more in the way of tithing. Our budget indicated that we needed more income in order to meet our obligations. I ask and you responded. Our monthly giving has increased and for that we are grateful. Over the past couple of months, the finance committee has been taking an even harder look at our budget, income, expenses and anticipated increased expenses going forward. The conference dictates how much we pay for our pastors and what the increases from year to year look like. We took a big hit this year with and increase for Pastor Mary Beth and we are looking at another hit next year. As we look at the numbers, the word “dire” came up in conversation several times. It’s not a great word or a great place to be. Projecting through 2024, we find that all of our reserves will be expended in about ten months. At that point we will not be able to pay all of our bills monthly. I’m not trying to scare you our wrangle more giving out of you, just to let you know the situation at hand. We are looking into some other ways to supplement our budget, such as a conference grant and to lower our expenses through reducing our full-time pastor down to ¾ or even ½ time. These are not easy decisions we have to make and wanted to everyone informed. We ask that you pray about the situation. We are a very blessed congregation and somehow, we will get through this. We are small but we are mighty. If you have questions, please get in touch with any of the Finance Committee members and we will do our best of answer them. God Bless you all! Teresa Ron and I will go the airport on Friday to retrieve Pastor Mary Beth and James. They will be in church on Sunday. Hopefully they had a wonderful vacation in sunny Arizona. I don’t want any whining from them about the hot weather! One last thing! We received a gold star from Etha, our Sage District Administrator for submitting our Charge Conference reports and minutes quickly this year. She sent this message: May God bless your ministry in your community over the next year. Etha is the best and we appreciate her. We hope to see you in church on Sunday! Please plan to stay and help decorate the church. We will also be moving tables for the Winter Festival. Blessings, Cris
Hi Everyone! November 16, 2023
I’ll start with some good news this week. Our own Caleb Smith was selected as First Chair in the State Honors Band playing the baritone saxophone! It’s quite an honor for Caleb and his family. I’m sure he has worked hard. He is fundraising to buy a new sax which is quite expensive so we will put the blessing pitcher out for one more week to help him out. If you’d like to help but can’t get to church, please contact me and we’ll work something out. Congrats Caleb! More good news. Our Boy Scouts participated in Scouting for Food last weekend and brought in enough food for 50 food boxes to be given away at the Nazarene Church. They also collected more than $900 to buy food. Good job Scouts! Our annual Winter Festival will be on Friday, December 1st. That is a little more than 2 weeks away. If you haven’t signed up to help, please contact Glenora as soon as you can. Here’s something that everyone can do to help. We need baked goods for our bakery. If you can bake cookies, a cake, a pie or anything else yummy please plan on it. We will not be having a cake walk this year so turn that energy into something else! If you have items that we can sell in the country store at Winter Festival we’d love to have them. We will sell new and almost new items along with Christmas decorations that you’d like to donate. You can drop them off at the church anytime the doors are open. We had our annual Charge Conference last Monday evening. It was successful and went very smoothly. We all make a good team! Danny Crego has some good news. He is officially a certified candidate for ministry. FINALLY! Danny has worked hard for this and Annie deserves a lot of credit for supporting him through his journey. Congrats from PUMC Danny! Please plan to come to church on November 26th and stay to help decorate the church for Christmas. We will also be moving tables into place for the Winter Festival so will need extra help. Many hands make light work (Edna Rice 😊) We have some prayer requests this week. My sister’s husband Bill passed away on Tuesday afternoon. Please keep Carolyn, her kids and grandkids in your prayers. Carolyn appreciated and loved our prayers during Bill’s struggles. Lyna is asking for prayers for Dean Westoff from Montana. We prayed for him last winter when he received a heart transplant. His body is rejecting the new heart. Keep he and his wife Sandra in your prayers. Please keep the following folks on your prayer list: Larry Jeffries, Hugh Homan, Bob Maynard, the Peterson Family in Arizona, Olivia Bybee, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Carmen’s cousin Tory, and the Hood’s grandson Josh. Always pray for peace. We sure need it. James and Pastor Mary Beth have safely arrived in Arizona. We wish them a nice vacation and a safe return to us. Danny Crego will step in this Sunday and take care of us. As our pastor said last week, “God’s law is love.” Take care of one another. Blessings, Cris PS. Since next week is Thanksgiving week, I’ll be in the office Monday through Wednesday. Payette United Methodist Church
November 12, 2023 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “God of Grace & God of Glory” UMH#577 vs.1,3,4 Call to Worship - Lyna Wilkins One: Arise, O Church, and look! Many: The night is nearly over; the day is almost here! One: We know not when the Lord is coming. Many: So let us put aside the deeds of shadow and put on the armor of light. One: Come! Let us worship the Lord as we await God’s appearing! Many: May the light of Christ shine in the shadow! God’s Kingdom endures forever! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Lyna Wilkins We proclaim the greatness of the Lord, and our spirits rejoice in God our Savior! For you, Lord, have looked with favor on your lowly servants. You, the Almighty, have done great things for us and holy is your name. You have mercy on those who fear you from generation to generation. You have shown strength with your arm and scattered the proud in their conceit, casting down the mighty from their thrones and lifting up the lowly. You have filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty. You have come to the aid of your people, to remember the promise of mercy, the promise made to our forebears, to Abraham and Sarah and their children for ever. Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (CEB) Advent Candle Lighting Lyna Wilkins Sing Together “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” Music Team Praise Song: “Light of Those Whose Dreary Dwelling” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name” UMH#79 vs.1,2,4 Message: Pastor Mary Beth Wisdom of Solomon 6:17-20 (CEB) Praise Song: “God Help Me to Be” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth This Advent and always, remain watchful with your eyes on Christ, whose birth in a manger is a promise of his coming again in glory. And may the blessing of God the All-Loving, Christ the Son, and the God the Holy Spirit be with you now and forevermore. This Advent season, may we go forth as people of living hope. May we live as if we believe God’s promises are true. Christ has come, and Christ will come again. Come, Lord Jesus! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Olivia Bybee, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Annie’s mom Katie, Bob Maynard, Larry and Irene Jeffries Hi Everyone! November 9, 2023
Last Sunday’s service could have gone badly but it sure didn’t. Our pastor was in Portland for a housing summit and Danny was scheduled to run the service but…. Danny wasn’t feeling well and had no voice. Things began to happen. Glenora agreed to run the service, Pastor Mary Beth recorded a sermon in her hotel room and James sent it to Ron. Ron made sure the sermon would play and everything was just fine! Thank you to everyone involved. You are appreciated! We are 100% ready for our Charge Conference. I appreciate the committee members working hard to get necessary info to me so quickly. I also appreciate our pastor for taking this task on with me. We make a good team! The meeting will be Monday at 7:00 p.m. and will be officiated by Reverend Mike Hollomon from Caldwell. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. The UMM’s monthly breakfast meeting will be this Saturday at 9:00 at Erika’s Kitchen. All men are invited! The UMM will be service a baked potato and chili lunch after church this Sunday. Please plan to stay and enjoy this delicious meal. A free will offering will be taken. Payette had an election for City Counselors on Tuesday and I’m pleased to let you know that our own Lori Steiniker has been reelected to the City Council of Payette! Congrats Lori. I’m sure you will continue to do an excellent job! Did you know that the season of Advent starts this Sunday? Advent marks the start of a new church year and reminds us that we wait for Christ to return. The color for Advent is blue. We will be decorating the church for the Christmas season after church on Sunday, November 26th. Please plan to stay that Sunday to help with the Hanging of the Greens. It won’t take too long with lots of help and it always looks so beautiful! The praise songs for this week are the John Wesley advent hymn Light of Those Whose Dreary Dwelling and God Help Me to Be. Click on the blue links to listen to the songs and be reminded of them so that we sound a bit better on Sunday. Let’s keep our world in our prayers this week. With all the conflict in the Middle East and Europe we need constant prayers. Locally please keep praying for Larry and Irene Jeffries, Jim Warzyn, Lis Williamson, Olivia Bybee, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Katie, Bob Maynard and my brother-in-law Bill. I talked to Carol Bruce’s daughter Suzi yesterday. Carol has been ill and has been staying with Suzi for a few weeks but is starting to feel better. Pray for a complete recovery. Have a great rest of your week and we hope to see you here on Sunday. Please stay and enjoy the meal afterward. Blessings, Cris Upcoming Events
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction this week from 9-12. The UMM will be treating us to a chili/baked potato lunch right after church today! Please stay and eat. A free will offering will be taken. Our Charge Conference will be tomorrow Monday, Nov. 13th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. Save the date of December 1st for our Winter Festival! |
February 2025