God’s people faithfully brought in the contributions, tithes and dedicated gifts. – 2 Chronicles 31:12
We love reaching out with helping hands, especially in our community.
Your donations and your serving hands help make that possible.
Interested in donating? You may send donations to:
Payette United Methodist Church
502 N. 11th Street
Payette, Idaho 83661
You can also make your Tithes and Offerings online by clicking on the button below. You do not have to have a PayPal Account to use this and it is completely safe & secure. You can send a one-time donation or set up a recurring tithe & offering.
Your donations and your serving hands help make that possible.
Interested in donating? You may send donations to:
Payette United Methodist Church
502 N. 11th Street
Payette, Idaho 83661
You can also make your Tithes and Offerings online by clicking on the button below. You do not have to have a PayPal Account to use this and it is completely safe & secure. You can send a one-time donation or set up a recurring tithe & offering.
Here are a few of our ministries you can be a part of with your giving:
We are purchasing Albertsons gift cards and gas cards in the amount of $25 each and working with WICAP to help us distribute them to those in need during this time. We have handed out over $7,000 in Gift Cards to our community this past year! If you would like to donate toward gift cards, when you send your check write "Gift Cards" on the memo line. |
SCHOOL SUPPLIES MINISTRY = First Saturday in August!
This has become an annual ministry for us and each year the number of local school aged children that come for supplies grows! Your donations to this ministry buys much needed school supplies for children aged Kindergarten through 5th Grade. Write "School Supplies" on your check's memo to donate to this ministry. |
Our winter project for the United Methodist Women's Group has been putting together shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child over the last 10 years. Donations of small toys, clothing, school supplies, toiletries, personal care and hygiene items, or cash for shopping for all of these items are always welcome! Write "Shoe Boxes" on your check's memo line. This is a ministry that can be administered all year long! If you are interested in learning more or building your own Shoe Box Gift check out this link to the website for the international ministry. |

Have you seen our signs around town? An idea birthed from the passion and heart of Teresa Waynetska, this ministry is on-going.
Read more about it in our blog post Sign Ministry in the News.
Donations to this ministry go to purchase of supplies for creating the signs.
Write: Sign Ministry on your check when donating.
Have you seen our signs around town? An idea birthed from the passion and heart of Teresa Waynetska, this ministry is on-going.
Read more about it in our blog post Sign Ministry in the News.
Donations to this ministry go to purchase of supplies for creating the signs.
Write: Sign Ministry on your check when donating.
Thanks again to another great idea from Teresa Waynetska, we have a Free Ice Cream truck that travels around the streets of Payette throughout the summer on Thursdays starting at noon. If you would like to support this ministry, send your check to the church and write in the memo line: "Ice Cream" and it only takes a little for a lot of Ice Cream for this cool ministry! |
TRUNK OR TREAT at the Payette Boys & Girls Club!
New this year, but such a fun & successful event! So many children came through and were given candy & a smile!
If you would like to support this ministry, send your check to the church and write in the memo line: "Trunk or Treat" and it only takes a little for a lot of candy for gob(lins) of fun!
New this year, but such a fun & successful event! So many children came through and were given candy & a smile!
If you would like to support this ministry, send your check to the church and write in the memo line: "Trunk or Treat" and it only takes a little for a lot of candy for gob(lins) of fun!
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