Upcoming Events
No Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week. Next Sunday is Invite Someone New to Church! Give this some thought and prayer. We will not have a potluck following church, Next Sunday we will take the Christmas decorations down. Please plan to come to church and stay and help.
Upcoming Events
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. Christmas Eve services will be at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. We will have a Christmas Day service at 11:00 a.m. Wear your pjs! Upcoming Events
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. James and Pastor Mary Beth are inviting us to a Christmas party and ornament exchange on Saturday, December 16th at 3 p.m. at their home. Save the date! Christmas Eve services will be at 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. We will have a Christmas Day service at 11:00 a.m. Wear your pjs! The dollar offering collected today will be given to Rose Advocates. Upcoming Events
No Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week The Winter Festival is this Friday. We will need everyone’s help. Please talk to Glenora to find out where you are needed. Please consider making some yummy baked goods for bakery! We will be Hanging the Greens after church today. We will be moving tables for Winter Festival too. Please plan to stay and help if you can Upcoming Events
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. We will observe All Saints Day next Sunday. If you would like a name read, please write it on a card in the fellowship hall and put it in the basket. The Boesches are hosting a Halloween Party on Saturday, Nov. 28th at 5pm. Costumes encouraged but not required. Everyone is invited! Our Trunk or Treat event will be on Tuesday, October 31st from 5:00 to 6:30 Please come join the fun! Our Charge Conference will be on Monday, Nov. 13th at 7:00 p.m. The dollar offering from today will be given to Rose Advocates.
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. We will work on preparing the former playground area for grass this Saturday. We will start after the UMM breakfast at Erika’s Kitchen at 9 that morning. Bring your own tools. Please consider attending the Housing Summit in Portland or on Zoom on Nov. 4th. Call the office for details. We are collecting Halloween candy for our Trunk or Treat. Please bring candy to the office any time. Our Charge Conference will be on Monday, Nov. 13th at 7:00 p.m. Upcoming Events
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor resumes this week from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gateway Junction. Save the date of Saturday, October 14th. We will work on preparing the former playground area for grass. We will start after the UMM breakfast that morning. Bring your own tools. We are collecting Halloween candy for our Trunk or Treat. Please bring candy to the office any time. Upcoming Events
Everyone please stay for a delicious potluck today after church! Didn’t bring anything to share? No worries. There will be enough food! We will have an outdoor worship service next Sunday, October 1st to celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and to Bless our Pets! Bring your pet to church that day! (Bring a Jacket, It's looking to be cool and crisp! ) No Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week. Upcoming Events
Our Second Annual Neighborhood Carnival is next Saturday from 11-1. Please help if you can. Arrive by 10:30 please. We need to borrow canopies. Please bring them by Thursday. We will have a “Invite Someone New to Church Sunday” next Sunday. A potluck will follow! Bring something delicious! We will have an outdoor worship service on Sunday, October 1st to celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and to Bless our Pets! Bring your pet to church that day! The Trustees will meet tomorrow at 6:15 with the Ad Board following at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to these meetings. Upcoming Events
Signup sheets are available for our Second Annual Neighborhood Carnival on September 23rd. Please help if you can. We will have a “Invite Someone New to Church Sunday” on Sept. 24th. A potluck will follow! Our credit union has asked that we write out Payette United Methodist Church on our checks from now on. They won’t accept PUMC anymore. We will have an outdoor worship service on Sunday, October 1st to celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and to Bless our Pets! Bring your pet to church that day! Upcoming Events
The Ad Board will meet tomorrow at 7pm. Everyone is invited to this meeting. The Trustees will not meet this month. Monday Morning Coffee is from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gateway Junction. Come join our pastor for coffee and conversation. The blessing pitcher will be out for another week to collect money to pay for refinishing the entrance ramp. Save the date of Saturday, September 23rd for our second annual Neighborhood Carnival. We will need help! Upcoming Events
Welcome to our friends from Vale UMC. Everyone please join us for a potluck after the service today! Monday Morning Coffee is from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. Come join our pastor for coffee and conversation. The blessing pitcher will be out for a few weeks to collect money to pay for refinishing the entrance ramp. The entrance ramp will be under construction all week but will be ready for us next Sunday. If you come during the week, please use the next door down. It will be unlocked. If you need to disarm the building please contact Cris, James or Pastor MB. We can disarm with our phones. Upcoming Events
The blessing pitcher will be out for a few weeks to collect money to pay for refinishing the entrance ramp. Vale UMC will be joining our service on Sunday, August 13th. We will have a potluck after church. Monday Morning Coffee is from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. Come join our pastor for coffee and conversation. Upcoming Events
The Chosen will not be shown tonight.
The blessing pitcher will be out for a few weeks to collect money to pay for refinishing the entrance ramp. The Ad Board will meet tomorrow, July 17th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Trustees will not meet this month. Jean Stephan’s 95th birthday celebration will be at the Payette Senior Center on Friday, July 29th from 2-4. We are all invited to attend. Save the date of Saturday, August 5th. We will need help with our School Supply Fair! Cris is out of the office until Tuesday, July 25th. |
January 2025