Payette United Methodist Church Liturgy
Updated for Sunday, July 28th, 2024 [Ordinary Time (Proper 12)] Gathering: Calling Song Opening Prayer (in unison) - Deanna Carr Sing together: Gloria Patri (UMH #70) - Music Team Scripture Reading - Deanna Carr Ephesians 3:14-21 (CEB) Praise Song: Everlasting God - Music Team Children’s Time - MB Prayers of the People - Danny O Lord, you are our shepherd, and yet we want. We lie down when we could act, We stir the pot when we could offer peace, We wander tempting paths instead of following you. We see courage and comfort in earthly things rather than in you. We hate our enemies and refuse to break bread with them, We see scarcity even when you offer us abundance. We pray for forgiveness, for your goodness and mercy, So that we might dwell in your grace forevermore. Amen. Offering Prayer - Danny Prayer Hymn Sermon: John 8:1-12 (CEB) - MB Sing Together: Jesus Friend of Sinners Communion Sending: Announcements - MB Sending Forth/Benediction - MB Beloved, go into the world with the mind of Christ. Go into the world to be the hands and feet of Christ. Go into the world filled with the love of Christ. May we, who have been healed by Christ, go out and offer healing into the world in Christ’s name. Amen.
Hi Everyone, July 25, 2024
You have probably heard by now that Hugh Homan passed away last Wednesday morning. On Sunday it was said that his last moments on Earth were pain free. What a blessing that was! Hugh was such a smart, well-traveled and nice guy. I loved hearing Hugh’s stories about so many things. He and Doris lived in S. Africa for a time in Lesotho. If you listen carefully to game shows, they ask questions about Lesotho all the time and I get them right because of Hugh and Doris! His funeral was on Wednesday morning and was well attended. Keep Doris, Jana, Julie and the whole family in your prayers. We still need a few volunteers and cookies for the School Supply Fair which will be on Saturday, August 3rd. Volunteers should arrive by 9:00 so we can get our wits about us, get some instructions, take a deep breath and begin by 10:00. We need homemade or store-bought cookies and volunteers to be escorts. Plans are made, supplies purchased and now we just need the students which I’m confident we will get. We have added a haircut room this year, a representative from the Dolly Parton Imagine Library who will sign kids up to receive free books, a representative from Head Start will sign kids up for their preschool program and the Community Closet will be here with school clothes for the kids. All of this is done because we love our community. The United Methodist Men will not meet for their monthly breakfast meeting on August. Wildfires are rampant around us which I’m sure you know. I whine about the heat and air quality all the time but it’s so much worse than that. Glenora Wright and her kids have taken a big hit on their ranch in Eastern Oregon. They have lost cattle and 90% of the feed for the season. They lost a barn and other out buildings and they are not alone. Please pray for all the ranchers and firefighters to be safe and stay healthy during this horrible time. John Sandquist had successful knee replacement surgery last week and is recovering nicely. I talked to him this week and he sounds pretty good. Give him a call or text to let him know you are praying for him and thinking about him or send a card. 2750 Alden Road #26 Fruitland, ID 83619. Take he and Jeanie a meal if you can, just give John a heads up. Sharon Parsons thanked us for our prayers for her grandson John. He is doing so well and loves being home. What a miracle! Caleb Smith told us about a bad accident at the Tour de Force in Sun Valley last weekend. The “no speed limit” event was on Hwy 75 and ended in a terrible accident. It is reported that those involved are alive but severely injured. Keep them in your prayers. The Tour de Force is a fundraising event for charities in the Wood River Valley. Lyna Wilkins was affected by the wildfires trying to come home from visiting her cousin near Seattle. She made the drive from Seattle to Payette on Wednesday. So thankful she made it home safely. Continue to pray for Clarity Farmer, Peyton, Irene Jeffries, Jill Hanigan, Anne DeBord, the Taylor Family, Jerry Hall, Noah Howard, Grace Hammon, Mark Hershey, and Lis Williamson. We are all blessed again today with the gift of life. Thank God and let’s make something good today. Help others who need it. Think of others who are less fortunate. One positive thought in the morning can change your whole day! Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
July 21, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “Bind Us Together” TFWS#2226 Call to Worship - Mike Hall One: It is by God’s grace that we gather for worship. Many: And it is by God’s grace that our lives are changed. One: We are counting on the active and amazing grace of God today. Many: Lord, by your Holy Spirit, enliven our worship. One: Help us by our actions to be faithful followers of Jesus. Many: For this, we give you thanks and praise! Amen! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Mike Hall God, give us the courage to live in the now. Help us to live into the ordinary days of our lives and of the church year. For this day, we give you thanks, because you have given us another day to love you and to love each other. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 (CEB) Praise Song: “Hungry” Video Presentation Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “The King of Love My Shepard Is” UMH#138 vs.1,3,6 Sermon: John 10:11-18 - Lectio Divina (CEB) Danny Crego Praise Song: “Take My Life” Video Presentation Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego Beloved, go into the world with the mind of Christ. Go into the world to be the hands and feet of Christ. Go into the world filled with the love of Christ. May we, who have been healed by Christ, go out and offer healing into the world in Christ’s name. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Mark Hershey, Peyton, Anne DeBord, Jill Hanigan, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Jerry Hall, Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon and Pascal Hershey’s family John Sandquist had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday. Keep he and Jeanie in your prayers. John Bell is home! Keep the thousands or firefighters in your prayers not only during this time but always. Upcoming Events The School Supply Fair will be on Saturday, August 3rd signup sheets are available. We will need so much help. Please donate $ if you can! We will need cookies, homemade or store purchased. If you are willing to bring a raffle basket for the School Supply Fair, please let Cris know ASAP Monday Coffee With the Pastor is now from 2-5 at Bordertown! Hi Everyone! July 18, 2024
I’ll start with praises this week and we sure have some! The Parsons’ grandson John Bell was released from rehab on Tuesday and is back in his home with his wife, twin brother Jason and two adorable nieces, a party of 5! His recovery is a miracle and the family is thankful for that and for all of our prayers. Sharon calls him her Miracle Grandson. I’d have to agree. Keep praying for John throughout his recovery. John Sandquist had successful knee replacement surgery on Tuesday and was able to go home on Wednesday. John and Jeanie’s kids are stepping up to help their parents. They are thankful for our prayers. I’m not aware of any plan to take meals but if you are willing, text or call John in the next few days let him know. I’m sure they’d be appreciated. Grace Hammon is home and loving it! Carmen is taking some time off work to help her mom and Aunt Jo and I’ll just bet that Grace loves that! (We are all fans of Carmen too.) Sheri and Rodger Hood’s two daughters Kim and Tracie were in church on Sunday along with a granddaughter Kelcie and great grandson Jace. It was so nice to see them back in the church where they were raised. They will stay the week with their parents which makes Rodger and Sheri so happy! Welcome home Kim and Tracie! Mark Hershey sent good news this week He will have surgery on August 19th to cut out the surrounding tissue where the cancer was in his colon. He has a high percentage of the cancer never returning. He will have an MRI before the surgery to ensure that all lymph nodes are clear. His CT scan showed no cancer anywhere else but the MRI will further confirm that. His doctor said the surgery will be simple and he will be able to return to all normal functions within a month. What an answer to prayer! Keep them coming! Here's an update on our School Supply Fair. Remember I said I was anxious about not having enough money this year? Well, we asked and you answered. We should be just fine. We haven’t shopped yet but we will do that soon and keep you posted. Any extra money will be help with next year. We do need cookies either home baked our store purchased. Kids will normally choose an Oreo over a homemade chocolate chip cookie. What are they thinking? We still need some help especially escorts. Please sign up at church or contact me and I’ll put you on the list. The event will start at 10 but please arrive by 9. We will stay open as long as supplies last. If you’d like to donate a basket for the raffle, please let me know as soon as possible. If you would like to wear a shirt that says, “Work hard and be kind, that is all”, buy a shirt, put your name on the tag or pin it on and bring it to the church. Teresa will fix it up. Coffee With the Pastor is on Mondays from 2-5 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. Why not pop in, visit with our pastor and have coffee or tea? She’ll even buy! Since we are in the middle of summer with extreme heat and smoke, let’s pray every day for the thousands of firefighters and crew protecting us. I know I whine about being hot but when I think of wearing all that gear and being next to actual fire, I don’t have the right to complain. I am thankful for what they do. Let’s pray for our country and our world. There is so much conflict and we are taught to pray so let’s get busy! And now from Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find; knock and it will be opened unto you.” God wants to bless us. He wants to guide us, lead us and teach us but he doesn’t often answer questions that we have never asked him. Blessings, Cris |
February 2025