Payette United Methodist Church
May 26, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “Holy, Holy, Holy” UMH #64 vs.1,2,4 Call to Worship Mike Hall One: When the world stands divided, Many: Come, Holy Spirit, and make us one. One: When the world calls us orphaned, Many: Come, Holy Spirit, and make us family. One: When we wander astray, Many: Come, Holy Spirit, and lead us home. One: Come, let us worship God our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer! Many: Alleluia! The Spirit is here! Amen! Opening Prayer (in unison) Mike Hall Lord God, through Christ you have given us peace that the world cannot give. Let your Spirit of truth abide with us so that we may live in hope, grow in faith, and keep your commandments of love; Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Isaiah 6:1-8 (NRSV) Praise Song: “Holy is the Lord God Almighty” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Holy Spirit Come, Confirm Us” UMH #331 vs. 1,3,4 Sermon: Romans 8:12-17 (CEB) Pastor Mary Beth Praise Song: “Heal Our Land” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth Go out into the world, and labor to bring forth new life. Dream dreams; pursue visions; and let God’s love guide your words and your actions. May the God who breathes life be your delight; may Christ Jesus give hope to your dreaming; and may the Spirit set your heart on fire with a passion for peace. We go in peace to love and serve the Lord! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Peyton, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Jerry Hall, Grace Hammon, Taylor Family, Grace Hammon, Noah Howard, Clarity, Roxanne Irwin Jim Warzyn passed away peacefully last week. Keep the family in your prayers. Upcoming Events Monday Morning Coffee with the Pastor is on hiatus until Monday, July 8th. If you would like to have coffee with Pastor Mary Beth, please let her know! Spring all church cleanup lists are in the fellowship hall. Sign up if you can. The annual golf tourney hosted by the UMM will be on Tuesday, June 25th. Golfing begins at ten; arrive by 9:15 to sign in. If you’d like to join for lunch only, arrive by 12:30. We need to know how many people are golfing and joining for lunch. Please sign up by calling or emailing the office.
i Everyone! May 23, 2024
Ron and I returned safely from our trip to the Midwest. We were blessed to spend time with Ron’s brother Jim just a few days before he passed away peacefully. The last time I saw Jim I prayed for peace for him. We spent lots of time with Ron’s other siblings and we were all together when we heard of Jim’s passing. Thanks for all of your prayers for so many months. We all appreciate it. On Tuesday I worked at the American Legion Hall for the Idaho Primary Election. I’m always so proud of the Idahoans who show up to vote no matter what. We had a big crowd and no drama so that’s a win. My fellow poll workers do the job because they love our country and state. If you get a chance, thank a poll worker. I have more information about the UMM Golf Tournament on Tuesday, June 25th. Golfers should arrive by 9:15 to sign up and pay for a 10:00 tee time. Folks who just want to eat lunch after the tournament should arrive by 12:30. We will need a list of golfers and those joining us for lunch. Please call or email the office as soon as possible. I will have prices very soon. Danny Crego will be taking the summer off as the Sunday School teacher. His last day of teaching until fall will be this coming Sunday, May 26th. If anyone is willing to step up to take his place for the summer, please let us know as soon as possible. If you have completed your spring cleanup task, please mark it off of the list. Several items have been marked off and we all say thank you for that! Caleb Smith had some good news for us on Sunday. He passed his CNA skills test! Great job Caleb, we are proud of you! Carmen Kumagai and her husband Dale celebrated the 50-year anniversary of their first date last week. Congrats Carmen and Dale! We had some prayer requests this week. Lyna asks us to pray for her friend Allen who had a stroke recently and has a cancer diagnosis. Please continue to pray for her friend Peggy Roach. Pastor Mary Beth asks us to pray for Rory. Danny would like prayers for his mom’s friend who had a stroke recently. Our friend Karen Sagehorn is asking us to pray for her son and his wife. They are going through fertility treatments in their attempt to have a baby. They will try adoption if needed. Please pray for their efforts and processes and for any new life and adopted children. Please continue to pray for the Steckley’s granddaughter Clarity, Hugh Homan, Peyton, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Jerry Hall, Grace Hammon, the Taylor Family, Noah Howard and Roxanne Irwin. We did have a good trip but I’m so glad to be back home! We traveled so many safe miles and I’m thankful for that. It will be good to be back in church. See you Sunday, Blessings, Cris May 15, 2024 Hello everyone! Ron and Cris Warzyn are on a well deserved vacation this week visiting with Ron’s family! While Cris is out, I (Pastor Mary Beth) am covering for her in the office. She will return on May 22nd. Last Sunday, we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension on the last Sunday of Easter. To continue to be an Easter people, we are a people who preach a change of heart and life, and we start by changing our hearts and lives. And we are able to do this because God changes us. Thanks be to God! This coming Sunday, we celebrate the Day of Pentecost. The artwork outside of our sanctuary will be replaced with Pentecost artwork. Another thing we are doing to celebrate Pentecost this year is decorating our sanctuary windows with the Lord’s Prayer in 41 different languages. Acts 2 tells us that on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon God’s people and everyone began to praise God in different languages, yet everyone was able to understand each other! This story is a sort of reversing of what happened with the Tower of Babel. Instead of different languages being a source of division, on Pentecost, the Spirit uses different languages to bring God’s people together. It is a beautiful story that reminds us once again that God is for all people. So to remember this, we have the Lord’s Prayer in 41 different languages outside our sanctuary. We may not be able to understand all 41 languages, but it is the same prayer, and how beautiful that is! One Pentecost tradition a lot of churches observe is to wear red to church that Sunday, so you are encouraged to wear red on Sunday! There are some exciting things happening through our church! This Saturday, May 18th, we will have a float in the Payette Apple Blossom Festival Parade! We will decorate our float with our “You Matter” signs, some flags, and some balloons. The theme for the festival is Mardi Gras, so we also have some masks for our participants to wear and we have beaded necklaces to hand out. I am excited to be the church that tells people they matter! If you are available on Saturday, you are encouraged to join the parade! You can either walk alongside the float and hand out necklaces OR ride on the trailer (there is a ramp). The parade lineup is at 10:45 AM on Saturday on 3rd Ave. N. (in front of the courthouse/Primary School). Our UMM is hosting the annual Best Ball Golf Tournament on Tuesday, Juny 25th at Scotch Pines Golf Course in Payette. The tournament will start around 10 AM and lunch will be served afterwards. If you do not want to golf but still want to join, plan to come to lunch! Monday Morning Coffee is on hiatus until Monday, July 8th. For those of you who do not know, I am currently working on a Masters in Education through Arizona State University (online). This is a fairly short program designed for people who work full time, so it is perfect for me! Part of this program involves interning and student teaching, and over the summer session (which begins this week), I am doing a preschool internship at Nampa UMC’s Kid’s Stuff Early Learning Center. For the next six weeks, I’ll be at my internship almost every Monday, so coffee is on hiatus until I complete the internship. There is a complete schedule of my summer internship on the green board in the church office if you want to know which mornings I will be at the school. On the days when I am at the school, I will be there from 8:00-1:00. I’ll spend the afternoons working for the church either from a coffee shop or in my office, and I’ll be available via phone or email. If you have any questions for me about this, please reach out! Also, while Monday coffee is on a break, I would still love to have coffee with you! If you’d like to set up a time to caffeinate and chat, just let me know. We have several prayer requests this week: We learned from the Elks Lodge that Stan Pierce passed away in 2023. Please pray for his family. Bob and Macy Steckley’s granddaughter, Clarity, has a mass on her kidney. She will be traveling to Portland for further answers. Please pray for Clarity and her family. Rudy Boyd’s daughter, Judy, passed away. Please pray for the Boyd family. We continue to hold the Sandquist family in prayer as they have been traveling and moving. Pray for Ron and Cris Warzyn as they travel to visit Ron’s brother, Jim. Please pray for some friends of myself and James, the Taylor family. Please continue to pray for the family and friends of Gene Winchester who was killed in his home recently. Pray for Roxanne Irwin to find comfort in the midst of back and knee pain, and pray for her doctors to find answers for her. And continue to pray for Peggy Roach, Hugh Homan, Lis Williamson, Shannon Osborn, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Jim Warzyn, Jerry Hall, Grace Hammon, Noah Howard, and Peyton. We also have some praises this week! On Sunday, Brandon Baumler told us his grandfather was going to have another procedure. Brandon updated yesterday that his grandfather is doing well and out of the hospital! Thank you for your prayers! Shannon Osborn celebrated a birthday this week as well! Happy birthday, Shannon! As we prepare for Pentecost, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit encounters us in many different ways that speak to us. May you encounter the Spirit anew this week and forevermore. May the God of grace bless you, keep you, and give you peace. Grace and peace, Pastor Mary Beth
Ascension by Powers Stained Glass Payette United Methodist Church May 12, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “” UMH#162 vs 1,4 Call to Worship Leslie Olson One: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Many: The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! One: Shadow has been vanquished! Many: The brilliant light of hope has come! One: Come! Let us worship and celebrate the good news! Many: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Amen! Opening Prayer (in unison) Leslie Olson Lord, be with us this day: Within us to purify us; Above us to draw us up; Beneath us to sustain us; Before us to lead us; Behind us to restrain us; Around us to protect us. We ask you, O Master, to be our help. Rescue those in distress; Raise up the fallen; Assist the needy; Heal the sick; Feed the hungry; Release the captives; Revive the weak; Encourage those who lose heart. May we remember this day and always that you are the one true God, that Jesus Christ is your only Son, and that by the power of your Holy Spirit, we are enabled to do your work. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Acts 1:1-11 (CEB) Hymn: Alleluia Praise Song: “Christ is Risen” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “” UMH#191 all vs. Sermon: Pastor Mary Beth Boesch Luke 24:44-53 (CEB) Praise Song: “While We Sing” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth Go forth with renewed hope, trusting in the transforming love of God. God does not leave things as they are; With God, all things are made new. All creation responds to God’s presence; The world is alive with possibility. We open ourselves to this truth; With Christ, we trust our whole lives to this power. Nothing is beyond the reach of God; Neither evil, nor hardship, nor death. Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed. Amen. Hi Everyone! May 8, 2024
I guess I can’t call sending the newsletter early rare anymore. Ron and I are heading to Illinois and Wisconsin to visit his family for a few days. We will see 6 of his 7 siblings on this trip so we are looking forward to that. Suddenly I will be the one with the accent! Pastor Mary Beth will fill in for me while I’m gone. Please contact Pastor Mary Beth on her cell phone if you need help while I’m gone. Call Glenora in an emergency. Sheri and Rodger Hood received the best news last week. Their grandson Josh Seals rang the bell after his last appointment with the cancer doctors. He has been deemed cancer free! We have been praying for Josh for a few months after he was diagnosed with cancer just a few weeks before his wedding. Let’s not take him off of our prayer lists, instead keep praying for him to have a wonderful, healthy life. Praise God! Caleb Smith invited us to PHS Outdoor Band Concert at Kiwanis Park in Payette at 6:30 tonight (Wednesday). Bring your chair (and blanket maybe) and enjoy music in the park. I’m sure Caleb will be glad to see you there! The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, May 14th at noon in the fellowship hall. The Apple Blossom Parade will be on Saturday, May 18th. We should arrive on 3rd Ave. by the Primary School by 10:45 to get settled on the float. If you are on the fence about this event, please try hard to say yes. We will be visible to the community with very little effort. Please get your black shirts to the office so that Teresa can make you a You Matter shirt to wear ASAP. The United Methodist Church’s General Conference is over. The delegates wrapped up on Saturday and were pleased to remove the last of harmful language in the Book of Discipline. We appreciate the delegates’ time, hard work and energy. PUMC received a Gold Star from Etha, our Sage District Administrative Assistant for completing the annual financial audit and the Fund Balance Report ahead of schedule. Our finance team arranged to have all of this accomplished and we appreciate them. An extra big thanks to Bob Steckley for his efforts. During worship on Sunday, we practiced Lectio Divina which means divine reading. Pastor Mary Beth led us through the process of learning the passage of John 15:9-7. We heard different versions and then gathered in small groups to discuss what we heard. I heard that I should never stop walking this road of love. I also learned that Jesus said, “You may think you chose me but I am the one who chose you and you remain in my love.” We may be practicing Lectio Divina in the future when our pastor switches to half time. I personally loved it! During the service, Pastor Mary Beth gave Danny a gift from us. It was a set of New Testament Commentaries that he will definitely need now that he has graduated seminary. We were able to buy this gift with donations from you. They are much appreciated by Danny. In his thank you to us, Danny said that he walked in our doors ten years ago and that it changed his life. He said we became his family and that he wouldn’t be where he is without us. We love you too Danny! We have some prayer requests this week. Please pray for the family and friends of Gene Winchester. He was a friend of Ed Parsons. He was killed in his home recently. Please pray for John and Jeanie Sandquist as they travel to Oregon with their kids to pack up John’s sister’s house. They are still in the middle of their own move so it will be taxing on them all. Keep Roxanne Irwin in your prayers. She is battling a bad back and now maybe a bad knee that has already been replaced. Pray for safe travels for her trips to appointments and for wisdom for her doctors as they figure out exactly what to do to help her. Lyna Wilkins asks us to keep praying for her friend Peggy Roach. She has cancer and diabetes. Keep these folks on your prayer list: Hugh Homan, Lis Williamson, Shannon Osborn, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Jim Warzyn, Jerry Hall, Grace Hammon, the Taylor Family, Noah Howard and for Peyton. I will miss seeing you for a couple of weeks. Please pray for safe travels for us! I was watching a video from our bishop and he quoted, “As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after you.” That is my prayer. Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
May 5, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “Alleluia, Alleluia” UMH#162 vs 1,4 Call to Worship Glenora Wright One: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Many: The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! One: Shadow has been vanquished! Many: The brilliant light of hope has come! One: Come! Let us worship and celebrate the good news! Many: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Amen! Opening Prayer (in unison) Glenora Wright Lord, be with us this day: Within us to purify us; Above us to draw us up; Beneath us to sustain us; Before us to lead us; Behind us to restrain us; Around us to protect us. We ask you, O Master, to be our help. Rescue those in distress; Raise up the fallen; Assist the needy; Heal the sick; Feed the hungry; Release the captives; Revive the weak; Encourage those who lose heart. May we remember this day and always that you are the one true God, that Jesus Christ is your only Son, and that by the power of your Holy Spirit, we are enabled to do your work. Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading 1 John 5:1-6 (CEB) Hymn: Alleluia Praise Song: “Oh Great God Give Us Rest” Music Team Children’s Time Lori Steiniker Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Jesus Loves Me” UMH#191 all vs. Meditation on the Word: Lectio Divina John 15:9-17 Praise Song: “One Thing Remains” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth Go forth with renewed hope, trusting in the transforming love of God. God does not leave things as they are; With God, all things are made new. All creation responds to God’s presence; The world is alive with possibility. We open ourselves to this truth; With Christ, we trust our whole lives to this power. Nothing is beyond the reach of God; Neither evil, nor hardship, nor death. Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Peyton, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Josh, Jerry Hall, Grace Hammon, Taylor Family, Grace Hammon Upcoming Events Monday Morning Coffee with the Pastor this week from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee at Gayway Junction. We will have a float in the Apple Blossom Parade on May 18th! Please consider riding on the trailer (there is a ramp) or walking alongside handing out treasures. The UMM will be serving a baked potato and chili lunch today after church. Please stay and eat! Spring all church cleanup list are in the fellowship hall. Sign up if you can. The annual golf tourney hosted by the UMM will be on Tuesday, June 25th. Save the date! Hi Everyone! May 2,2024 Our own Shane Wright was in a Special Olympics basketball tournament last Saturday and he came home with a first-place medal! He reported to me that he made more than 20 points during the tournament. When asked if he let other people shoot, he said, “Yes, that’s how we do it.” Don’t you love that? Please continue to support Special Olympics when you have a chance. There will be a Celebration of Life in honor of Larry Jeffries this coming Saturday at Scotch Pines Golf Course from 4-9. We are partnered with the Payette School District as an evacuation site for the Primary School. In the event that they must evacuate, a plan is in place for the students and staff to walk here. All the details are worked out and they will practice next Monday morning. I want to let you know just in case you happen to see hundreds of kids walking to our church. Our job is to pray that evacuation is never necessary! Don’t forget to sign up for a Spring All Church Cleanup task if you are able. If everyone can just do one thing, we’ll have this place whipped into shape in no time! If you plan on riding on our float or walking behind you might want a You Matter T- shirt to wear. Just bring a black T shirt to the office and Teresa will fix it up for you. Put your name on the label or pin it to the shirt and we’ll get it back to you. Bring the shirts as soon as you can. Remember that this Sunday the UMM will be offering a baked potato and chili lunch right after church. They will accept donations. The United Methodist Church General Conference is still in session. Danny announced on Sunday that “the Methodist Church now proclaims its support for the equal rights, liberties and protections of all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.” I’m proud of us for loving all people! Our District Superintendent, Rev. Karen Hernandez visited us after church on Sunday to officiate our Charge Conference. She asked us to reassure the Middleton UMC folks that they will be just fine with a half time pastor. She knows that we have experience with part time pastors. If you’d like to send a note to the congregation in Middleton, their address is 104 E Main St, Middleton, ID 83644. Send an encouraging note if you can. Let them know that Pastor Mary Beth will take care of them! Danny Crego will be celebrating his seminary graduation at church on Sunday. Annie will serve cake this Sunday to honor him. The Tuesday Bible Study class had the idea for us to bring congratulation cards for Danny. So, bring a card if you can! We have some prayer requests this week. Please pray for the Cannon family from Vale. Their 17-year-old died in a car wreck and their 13-year-old is in the hospital. Please pray for Danny’s family. His 14-year-old nephew died from suicide. What a heart-breaking situation. Keep them on your prayer list for a very long time. Annie’s uncle Kent passed away recently. Keep this family in your prayers. Continue to pray for John and Jeanie Sandquist and their kids who are helping them move. Tina Wright’s 10-year-old grandson, Noah has recently been diagnosed as having Type 1 Diabetes. Please keep Noah and his family in your prayers as they all learn how to treat this disease. Anne DeBord asks that we pray for her friend Jill Hanigan and Anne’s granddaughter Ayla. They both need prayers for healing. Keep these people on your prayer list: Peyton, Grace Hammon, Josh, Lexi, Jerry Hall, Jim Warzyn, Irene Jeffries, Anne DeBord, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Shannon Osborn and the Taylor Family. We were reminded this in church last Sunday: How do we remain in Christ? We love! That doesn’t mean just the loveable people. So, be thinking and praying about this: Who do I need to learn to love? Have a great rest of the week and we hope to see you on Sunday! Blessings, Cris |
January 2025