Payette United Methodist Church
October 1, 2023 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace Calling Song: “Forever” Call to Worship - Leslie Olson One: Come, let us gather with a spirit of gratitude for what is alive in each of us; for the fullness of life outside of us; for the wildness of life that we are invited into. Many: Let us come together with joyful hearts to worship God our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer! Amen. Opening Prayer (in unison) - Leslie Olson Lord, make us instruments of your peace; where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is sadness, joy; and where there is darkness, light. O Divine Master, grant that we may not seek to be consoled as much as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying to ourselves that we are brought to abundant life. Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading Genesis 1:20-31a (CEB) Prayers of the People and Blessing of the Pets Pastor Mary Beth Offering Prayer Doxology Message: Pastor Mary Beth Genesis 1:20-31a (CEB) Praise Song: “All Creatures” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth May God bless you and keep you; may God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may God’s countenance be lifted upon you and give you peace, from this day forth and forevermore. As we go from this place, may we seek justice; for God delights in justice, and our neighbors deserve justice; for we are not free until all of our siblings are free as well; for our spirits cannot rest until all find rest. May the God of love direct us in all our ways. Amen. Continue to pray for: Ron’s brother Jim, Shannon Osborn, Mary Boesch, Terry Hershey, Olivia Bybee, Steve Simonson, Teresa’s grandson, Hugh Homan and the Hood’s relative, Laurie, Carmen’s cousin Tory, Gary and Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan and Glenora who is fighting pleurisy. Glenora’s granddaughter Selby lost her husband, Johnny Bezates in a car wreck last week. Please pray for his whole family including his 3-year-old daughter Gray Lee and 1-year-old son Gus.
Hi Everyone! September 28, 2023
Ron and I had a good trip to Utah last week. We were able to help my sister Carolyn with some tasks that sure needed to be done, spent some time with my very first childhood friend and helped Tess out with her dogs. We are both getting better about making our way around Salt Lake City but are sure glad to be back in Payette! Where is Pastor Mary Beth? Pastor Mary Beth has a busy schedule this Fall! She will be gone a couple Sundays and weekdays for various reasons, including conferences and vacation time. Here is where she will be in October and November (and if you'd like to join her for one of these conferences, be sure to let us know!): Thursday, October 12th - Summit on Idaho Hunger in Boise, ID Sunday, October 15th - Pulpit Swap with Pastor Rob Walters from Nampa First UMC Friday, November 3rd-Sunday, November 5th - Housing God's Beloved conference in Portland, OR Wednesday, November 15th-Friday, November 24th - Vacation in Gilbert, AZ We are starting to collect candy for our Trunk or Treat event on Halloween day. People who participate bring candy to hand out from their cars but we found out last year that we ran out. If you would like to contribute candy, please drop it by the office or bring it to church. If you’d rather give money, we’ll do the shopping for you. Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor will resume this coming Monday from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. Why not drop by for a visit and coffee with Pastor Mary Beth? She’ll even buy! Our pastor would like to invite us to attend the Housing Summit in Portland, OR on Saturday, November 4th. We can attend in person or on Zoom. Please consider attending this important event and if you’d like to attend, contact the pastor or me for information. The Fruitland UMC will be having their 3rd annual Chili 2 Go event on Friday, October 13th from 4-6 pm. They will be serving take out containers of homemade chili and cornbread. Donations will go to mission projects and the work of Women in Faith. They appreciate reservations so please call 208-452-4754 by October 11th and leave a message. Vegan chili is available by request. So, order some chili and drive by FUMC on October 13th, give them a donation and dinner is served! Let’s help them out! The Love INC fundraiser will be this Friday, September 6:30-8 p.m. at Ontario Calvary Chapel. Call Love INC for information 541-216-6116. I’m sorry to tell you that we have had a tragedy in our valley this week. Glenora’s granddaughter Selby lost her husband Johnny Bezates in a car accident. Please pray for his whole family including his almost 3-year-old daughter Gray Lee and his 1-year-old son Gus. Please keep them on your prayer list. Glenora has been fighting pleurisy for a couple of weeks and is winning but she will be healing for several weeks. Pleurisy is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the lungs and line the chest cavity. It is very painful I’m told but as we all know, Glenora is tough! Please pray for a complete, quick recovery. Bonnie Hall will be having total knee replacement surgery on Thursday, October 5th. Please keep Bonnie in your prayers as well as Mike who will be taking good care of her. Sherry and Rodger Hood’s grandson Josh is getting married very soon and just learned that he has Hodgkin Lymphoma. Please pray for Josh, his fiancé Kendra and his whole family as he battles this disease. From the prayer chain we have been asked to pray for Mari who has spinal stenosis that leaves her arms numb and has been a real challenge. Pray for Kenny who fell and broke his neck. He will have surgery sometime in October that could leave him paralyzed. Please pray for calming his fears, for patience and for wisdom for his medical team. Keep the following on your prayer list: Jim Warzyn, Hugh Homan, Gary and Lis Williamson, Olivia Bybee, Steve Simonson, Jan, Laurie, Tory, Shannon Osborn, and Mary Boesch. Remember that this Sunday we are celebrating the Feast of St. Francis and our pets will be blessed. That means bring them to church with you for an outdoor service in the parking lot. If you can’t bring your pet, don’t worry, the pastor will bless the pets that aren’t able to attend. We hope to see you at church! Blessings, Cris Upcoming Events
Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor resumes this week from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gateway Junction. Save the date of Saturday, October 14th. We will work on preparing the former playground area for grass. We will start after the UMM breakfast that morning. Bring your own tools. We are collecting Halloween candy for our Trunk or Treat. Please bring candy to the office any time. Upcoming Events
Everyone please stay for a delicious potluck today after church! Didn’t bring anything to share? No worries. There will be enough food! We will have an outdoor worship service next Sunday, October 1st to celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and to Bless our Pets! Bring your pet to church that day! (Bring a Jacket, It's looking to be cool and crisp! ) No Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week. Payette United Methodist Church
September 24, 2023 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace: “Family of God” Calling Song: “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” UMH#89 all vs. Call to Worship - Glenora Wright One: We are beautifully and wonderfully made. Many: God says that is good. One: We are made in God’s own image. Many: Everything about us is holy. One: Come, let us worship the God who sees us and calls us beloved! Many: Let us worship the one who makes us new! Amen. Opening Prayer (in unison) - Glenora Wright God of love, you call us to love you, our neighbors, strangers, and our enemies as ourselves. The love you call us to starts when we love ourselves. Lord Christ, teach us to love as you love; teach us to love because you first loved us. Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading Jonah 3:10-4:1 (CEB) Praise Song: “Your Love Never Fails” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Pastor Mary Beth Offering Prayer Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Spirit of the Living God” UMH#393 Message: Pastor Mary Beth Romans 8:1-11 (CEB) Praise Song: “While We Sing” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth May God bless you and keep you; may God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may God’s countenance be lifted upon you and give you peace, from this day forth and forevermore. As we go from this place, may we seek justice; for God delights in justice, and our neighbors deserve justice; for we are not free until all of our siblings are free as well; for our spirits cannot rest until all find rest. May the God of love direct us in all our ways. Amen. Hi Everyone! September 20, 2023
Ron and I will be going to Utah on Wednesday afternoon for a few days to help out our daughter Tess and my sister Carolyn. I won’t be in the office on Thursday but our pastor will be here. We’ll be sorry to miss the neighborhood carnival, the invite someone new to church Sunday and most of all the potluck! Danny will be missing church here at PUMC for two Sundays and Lyna Wilkins has stepped up to teach the Sunday School class on September 24th but Sunday school will be canceled on October 1st. Danny is very pleased with the turnout for Sunday School this season. It’s never too late to join! PUMC needs someone to chair the Operation Christmas Child program this year. If you are willing to be in charge of this wonderful program, please let me know. There are lots of materials available to get you started. I hope you have noticed that the area just east of the church has been cleaned out! It was full of weeds and a dangerous play structure. The trustees and the UMM will work together to plant grass in that space and make it look a lot better. We will be working on this project on Saturday, October 14th right after the UMM breakfast meeting. That should be around 10:30. We’d love to have your help if that sounds like something you could do! Bring your own shovel! If have any materials to help with this project, we’ll take them. (grass seed, rainbird sprinklers, funny pipe etc.) Sunday, October 1st we will be celebrating the Feast of St. Francis by having an outdoor service and blessing our pets! Bring your pets to church! Our dog Champ will love this. He thinks every human was put on Earth to pet him. If you don’t think it’s wise to bring your pet to church there will be a blessing given for pets that were left home. Save the date of Saturday, October 28th. The Boesch’s are inviting us to a Halloween Party. I received a nice note from Dennis Froeming this week. He and his wife Sharon live in Boise and are doing well. They attend a Presbyterian and he has recently become an Deacon. It was good hearing from him! We have some prayer requests this week: Please keep Hugh Homan and the Williamsons in your prayers. Lis and Gary have been in touch and send their love. Gary is at peace. Carmen Kumagai’s cousin Tory was hurt at work and has had surgery and will face more in the future. He is off the ventilator and is smiling. Please keep him on your prayer list for a bit. My friend Susan lost her mother this week. Please keep Susan and her siblings in your prayers as they navigate without their mom. Another friend of mine, Luann asked us to pray for her brand-new grandnephew Miles. He was born just under 2 pounds. He will need prayers for a while. Danny asks us to pray for his sister-in-law Ellie. She has lost her place to live and is looking for something affordable. I received word from Jean Hershey this week that they are all feeling better and when I asked about Terry, she said he is half way through his treatments and is well enough to run a 10K with Mark and his son Evan on the 23rd. Go Hersheys! Please keep these folks on your prayer list: Shannon Osborn, Mary Boesch, Olivia Bybee, Steve Simonson, Laurie, Jim Warzyn and Teresa’s soon to be born grandson. While We Sing is our new praise song this week. Please click on the link and listen in. Have a great rest of your week. Remember to invite someone new to church this week and bring something delicious to the potluck! Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
September 17, 2023 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace: “Family of God” Calling Song: “Let Us with a Joyful Heart” TFWS#2012 vs. 1,2,6 Call to Worship Leslie Olson One: We are beautifully and wonderfully made. Many: God says that is good. One: We are made in God’s own image. Many: Everything about us is holy. One: Come, let us worship the God who sees us and calls us beloved! Many: Let us worship the one who makes us new! Amen. Opening Prayer (in unison) Leslie Olson God of love, you call us to love you, our neighbors, strangers, and our enemies as ourselves. The love you call us to starts when we love ourselves. Lord Christ, teach us to love as you love; teach us to love because you first loved us. Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading Romans 14:1-12 (CEB) Praise Song: “The Lion & The Lamb” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Pastor Mary Beth Offering Prayer Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “I Sing the Almighty Power of God” UMH#152 vs.1,3 Message: Danny Crego Colossians 1:15-22(CEB) Praise Song: “Wake Up” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego May God bless you and keep you; may God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may God’s countenance be lifted upon you and give you peace, from this day forth and forevermore. As we go from this place, may we seek justice; for God delights in justice, and our neighbors deserve justice; for we are not free until all of our siblings are free as well; for our spirits cannot rest until all find rest. May the God of love direct us in all our ways. Amen. Upcoming Events
Our Second Annual Neighborhood Carnival is next Saturday from 11-1. Please help if you can. Arrive by 10:30 please. We need to borrow canopies. Please bring them by Thursday. We will have a “Invite Someone New to Church Sunday” next Sunday. A potluck will follow! Bring something delicious! We will have an outdoor worship service on Sunday, October 1st to celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and to Bless our Pets! Bring your pet to church that day! The Trustees will meet tomorrow at 6:15 with the Ad Board following at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to these meetings. Hi Everyone! September 14, 2023
Our Neighborhood Carnival is happening in just over one week! We want to introduce ourselves to the neighborhood so let’s make a good showing! Please sign up to help when you are at the church or call me and I will put you on the list. Please arrive by 10:30 on Saturday, September 23rd. We will need some canopies for that day. If you have a canopy that we can use please drop it off by Thursday. Make sure your name is on it! If you have a lawn game to share, please bring it too! The Ad Board and Trustees will meet on Monday, September 18th. The Trustee meeting begins at 6:15 with the Ad Board following at 7pm. Everyone is invited to attend these meetings. Next week I will be working Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Ron and I are going to Utah to help our daughter Tess out for a few days. Pastor Mary Beth will be in the office on Thursday. I’m reminding you that when you write a check to the church don’t just put PUMC. Our credit union isn’t accepting those. Instead, write Payette United Methodist Church or Payette Methodist Church. Sunday, September 24th is Invite Someone New to Church Sunday. We will have a potluck after church that day. Start planning something delicious to share and make a plan to invite someone new. If we are going to grow, it’s going to take effort from all of us. We have some prayer requests this week. Please keep Lis and Gary Williamson and their family in your prayers. Lyna Wilkins has a praise and a concern this week. She had a wonderful time visiting her daughter Heidi and her family but she injured her foot while she was there. Keep her in your prayers. Tony Irwin’s daughter’s stepson Darby has terminal cancer and isn’t able to take anymore treatments. Please pray for Darby and his family. Please pray for Carmen’s cousin Tory. He was injured at work. He had an 8-hour long surgery Wednesday night to remove disks in his neck and replace the disks with hardware. He has lots of infection. In the future he will need shoulder surgery. Keep Tory, his mom Ruth and his wife Ranee in your prayers. I just learned that Mark and Jean Hershey have Covid along with Lyn and Jeanie. They camped together during the Labor Day holiday. Jean reports that they are feeling better. Honestly, I’m SO tired of Covid! Karen Sagehorn’s niece Kathleen is having tests for breast cancer and Kathleen’s aunt is very ill and is frustrated that the tests aren’t revealing the answers. I just received word that Kathleen got good news and is in the clear. All those involved are grateful that we have prayed for them. Teresa’s stepdad Larry’s funeral will be on Monday. Please keep Teresa’s mom Helen, Larry’s kids and Teresa and her brothers in your prayers. Continue to pray for: Hugh Homan, the Hood’s relative, Laurie, Terry Hershey, Steve Simonson, Olivia Bybee, Shannon Osborn, Jim Warzyn, Mary Boesch and Teresa’s grandson. The praise songs this week will be The Lion and the Lamb and Wake Up. Click on the blue links and listen to these songs. Enjoy our perfect weather and we hope to see you on Sunday! Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
September 10, 2023 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace: “Family of God” Calling Song: “Shine, Jesus, Shine” TFWS#2173 all vs. Call to Worship - Lyna Wilkins One: We are beautifully and wonderfully made. Many: God says that is good. One: We are made in God’s own image. Many: Everything about us is holy. One: Come, let us worship the God who sees us and calls us beloved! Many: Let us worship the one who makes us new! Amen. Opening Prayer (in unison) - Lyna Wilkins God of love, you call us to love you, our neighbors, strangers, and our enemies as ourselves. The love you call us to starts when we love ourselves. Lord Christ, teach us to love as you love; teach us to love because you first loved us. Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading Romans 13:8-14 (CEB) Praise Song: “Reign in Us” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Pastor Mary Beth Offering Prayer Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “What a Friend We Have in Jesus” UMH#526 all vs. Message: Danny Crego Hebrews 2:10-18 Praise Song: “Wake Up” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego May God bless you and keep you; may God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may God’s countenance be lifted upon you and give you peace, from this day forth and forevermore. As we go from this place, may we seek justice; for God delights in justice, and our neighbors deserve justice; for we are not free until all of our siblings are free as well; for our spirits cannot rest until all find rest. May the God of love direct us in all our ways. Amen. Upcoming Events
Signup sheets are available for our Second Annual Neighborhood Carnival on September 23rd. Please help if you can. We will have a “Invite Someone New to Church Sunday” on Sept. 24th. A potluck will follow! Our credit union has asked that we write out Payette United Methodist Church on our checks from now on. They won’t accept PUMC anymore. We will have an outdoor worship service on Sunday, October 1st to celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis and to Bless our Pets! Bring your pet to church that day! Hi Everyone! September 7, 2023
Did you ever think you’d like to attend one of those painting classes where they teach you how to paint the picture in steps? Well, now you have the chance! Paint Me Silly in Payette is offering a class on Tuesday, September 19th at 6:00 p.m at 235 N. Main Street. The cost is $25 for all supplies. If you’d like to join in on this fun please call or text Terrie at 208-405-5603 as soon as possible because seating is limited. Include your name and email in the text. If you have been thinking about joining our pastor for coffee one of these Mondays, act fast. Because of her very busy schedule, the only Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this month will be on Monday, September 11th from 9-12 at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction. The Adult Sunday School class will resume this coming Sunday. This is a great time to join the class at 9:45 in the fireside room! The United Methodist Men will be meeting at Erika’s Kitchen this coming Saturday at 9:00 a.m. for their monthly breakfast meeting. All men are invited and encourage to attend. The dollar offering from this Sunday’s service will all go to Meal on Wheels. The second Sunday of every month will go to this great cause. Pastor Mary Beth has the following announcement: On Monday, September 18th from 9:00 AM-4:30 PM, there will be a Soul Shop for Leaders at Meridian UMC. This is a one-day workshop designed to equip faith community leaders to minister to those impacted by suicide. This includes the creation of worship resource, training congregation members in suicide awareness and basic conversation skills, and the how to extend the invitation to those who have been suicidal in the past to share their stories. This workshop engages the question of how to cultivate a soul-safe culture within your congregation. I will be attending it, and if you are interested in going, too, you can register by clicking on this blue link. The cost is $50 and lunch is provided. If you sign up, we can carpool to and from. MB If you have ever wished you could bring your pet to church, you wish will be granted! We will have an outdoor service on Sunday, October 1st to celebrate the Feast of St. Francis and to bless our pets! We have some prayer requests this week. Ron’s brother Jim learned last week that the cancer has spread. He will begin hospice care soon. Please pray for Ron and his siblings, especially their sister Pat who is taking the news very hard. Teresa’s stepdad Larry passed away last week. Please keep Teresa’s mom Helen in your prayers along with Larry’s children and step children. I met Larry once and instantly liked him. He was very kind and could sure tell a story. We have been praying for Kyle, who is a friend of Karen Sagehorn. He is in palliative care now. Please keep Kyle and his mom, Linda in your prayers as they go through this challenging journey. Keep the Williamsons in your prayers along with their children and grandchildren. We heard from Lyn and Jeanie Hershey this week. They both have Covid! Jeanie says they aren’t feeling too badly but this certainly affects their lives. Please keep them in your prayers. Keep praying for all these folks: Macy, Jean Pollock, Shannon Osborn, Mary Boesch, Terry Hershey, Olivia Bybee, Steve Simonson, Hugh Homan, the Hood’s relative Laurie, and Teresa’s grandson. We will be singing one new song this week, Wake Up. Please click on the blue link, listen and sing along. It will help on Sunday. Enjoy and be thankful for our nice warm days and cool nights! It doesn’t get any better than this. We hope to see you on Sunday. Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
September 3, 2023 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace: “Family of God” Calling Song: “Christ is Alive” UMH#318 vs. 1,2,4,5 Call to Worship Mike Hall One: We are beautifully and wonderfully made. Many; God says that is good. One: We are made in God’s own image. Many: Everything about us is holy. One: Come, let us worship the God who sees us and calls us beloved! Many: Let us worship the one who makes us new! Amen. Opening Prayer (in unison) Mike Hall God of love, you call us to love you, our neighbors, strangers, and our enemies as ourselves. The love you call us to starts when we love ourselves. Lord Christ, teach us to love as you love; teach us to love because you first loved us. Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading Romans 12:9-21 (CEB) Praise Song: “All Creatures” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Message: Pastor Mary Beth Genesis 1:25-31a (CEB) Offering Prayer Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Let There Be Peace on Earth” UMH#431 Communion Service Praise Song: “God Help Me to Be” Music Team Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth May God bless you and keep you; may God’s face shine upon you and be gracious unto you; may God’s countenance be lifted upon you and give you peace, from this day forth and forevermore. As we go from this place, may we seek justice; for God delights in justice, and our neighbors deserve justice; for we are not free until all of our siblings are free as well; for our spirits cannot rest until all find rest. May the God of love direct us in all our ways. Amen. In the church calendar, we are in the season of Ordinary Time. During this season, we remember that God is still God in the simple, ordinary, and mundane. The color for this season is green to signify new life and growth; it reminds us that even in the ordinary, God is at work making all things new. |
February 2025