No PUMC Church Services today. Joint Service will be held at Vale United Methodist Church.
225 Cottage Street South, Vale Oregon Start time 10AM
Hi Everyone! January 25, 2024
At least we don’t need to shovel rain or fog and I’m okay with that. Even though we haven’t seen the sun in a while, it’s up there and spring is just around the corner! We have some very good news this week. Kathy and Ken Phelps’ daughter Amber had tests that show she is cancer free! Amen to that. Pastor Mary Beth is in Arizona helping take care of her mom, Nancy who had successful back surgery on Tuesday. She is still available to us so if you need her, please feel free to contact her. If you need her contact info, please let me know. Please pray for a complete recovery for Nancy and keep her caregivers, Scott and Mary Beth in your prayers. There won’t be Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week. Sunday’s worship service will be at Vale UMC this coming Sunday. Church starts at 10:00. If you’d like to carpool, please be at our church by 9:00. Vale UMC is very small but they did come and worship with us recently so let’s show up for them. Please bring something delicious to share for the potluck following the service. Please note that we will not have a service at PUMC this week. If you didn’t buy your tickets for the Weiser Little Theater’s play, Mom’s Gift yet, hurry! Ron and I had a big European cruise scheduled for most of the month of February. I say had because yesterday around noon our trip was cancelled. We were to be on the maiden voyage on our ship but the ship is not ready to sail. So, we will be right here in Payette until we reschedule our adventure. Our dog Champ is grateful! We have some prayer requests this week. David Tompkins’ stepmom Betty passed away this week. Please keep the Tompkins family in your prayers. Lyna Wilkins is still recovering from Covid but is definitely on the mend. Pray for her to heal quickly. I heard from Pam Hardenbrook Wednesday and she is recovering nicely from her knee replacement surgery. Keep praying for a complete, quick recovery for Pam! Keep these folks in your prayers: Carol Stephan’s sister Jenny, Don Essinger, John and Jeanie Sandquist, Hugh Homan, Irene Jeffries, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Tory, Josh, and Jan Bolin. I found this blessing for us all. May the beauty of God be reflected in our eyes, the love of God be reflected in our hands, the wisdom of God be reflected in our words, and the knowledge of God flow from our heart, that all might see, and seeing, believe. Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
January 21, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “Shine, Jesus, Shine” TFWS#2173 all vs. Call to Worship – Glenora Wright One: Arise! Shine! Your light has come! Many: The Lord's glory has shone upon everyone! One: Though shadow covers the earth and gloom the nations Many: The Lord will shine - God's glory appears to all! One: Come! Let us worship the Lord of creation! Many: All people will come into God's light! Opening Prayer (in unison) -Glenora Wright O God, who by the leading of a star did manifest your only-begotten Son to all people: lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may behold your glory face-to-face; through Christ our Lord, Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading John 1:43-51 (CEB) Praise Song: “Sing to the King” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Pastor Mary Beth Offering Prayer Pastor Mary Beth Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Lord, Be Glorified” TFWS#2150 all vs. Message: Danny Crego Mark 1:14-20 Praise Song: “All I Am” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth May God strengthen you and bless you with peace; May Christ Jesus bring forth justice for you and among you; And may the Holy Spirit alight on you and affirm you as God’s beloved ones. And now, God, let your servants go in peace according to your word, because our eyes have seen your salvation. You prepared this salvation in the presence of all peoples. It’s a light for revelation to all! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Irene Jeffries, Don Essinger, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Jan Bolin, John Sandquist, Carol Stephan’s sister Jenny Pam Hardenbrook is recovering from knee replacement surgery. Lyna Wilkins is recovering from Covid. Upcoming Events Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction from 9-12. We will be worshiping at Vale UMC next Sunday, January 28th at 10:00 a.m. If you’d like to carpool, be at PUMC by 9:00. Please bring something to share for the potluck afterward, Weiser Little Theatre’s new play is a comedy, Mom’s Gift Feb 8-10, 13,15-17 The flyer is on the bulletin board. We will have an Ash Wednesday service on Wed. Feb. 14th at 7:00 p.m Hi Everyone! January 18, 2024
Ron and finally got the church through the snow about noon on Wednesday and inside I found 20 members of AA having their meeting. I’ve got to give it to them, they are dedicated. I appreciate their tenacity and willingness to change. They have been at our church for one year now. They feel comfortable here at PUMC and appreciate our wonderful building and welcoming people. So, thanks for that. As of that minute, our parking lot was plowed and the sidewalks were clean. But…. Then it snowed again. Stay safe out there. The roads are not that great. We had our annual Ministry Conference with our District Superintendent, Rev. Karen Hernandez on Tuesday evening. We had a fireside room full of people who braved the cold to attend. Rev. Hernandez did some activities with us and shared a video from the bishop. She is very aware of all of our outreach activities and is proud of us. I had a nice visit with Roxanne and Tony this week. They are loving the 60ish degree weather and are happy they are where they are. Tony is recovering from pneumonia but is getting better all the time. You might notice some changes in the coffee shop in a few weeks. There will be fewer choices offered up when we run out of the supplies we have now. The breakfast crew would love it if someone would step up to help them out. Please tell Mike or Ed if you are interested. We plan to keep the coffee shop running so please show up to church early and visit. The UMM won’t be having their Valentine Dinner this year. It just didn’t work out. Starting in March, the UMM plans to hold a lunch after church every other month. They always fix delicious food so let’s look forward to that. Start making your plans to attend church at Vale UMC on Jan. 28th. Remember it is a potluck and we will carpool from the church at 9:00 that morning. Church starts at 10 in Vale. Since we didn’t have church on Sunday, I have fewer prayer requests but there are still a few. Lyna Wilkins is recovering from Covid. She was pretty sick but seems to be getting better. Keep her in your prayers. Gary Olson went over and shoveled her out of her driveway a couple of days ago. Thanks Gary! I heard from FUMC that Don Essinger is doing a bit better and is planning to go to a rehab hospital to continue his recovery. Keep praying for Don. Lyna would like us to pray for her friends Cheryl, Jerry and Eric. They are all in the same family and need prayer. Keep these folks on your prayer list: The Sandquists, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Jenny, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Jan Bolin and Pam Hardenbrook. Dianne Kinney asked me to remind you to stay healthy this winter. Drink lots of water and wash your hands A LOT. There are lots of germs out there. As they say in Walgreens, “Be well!” When we visited with Rev. Hernandez on Tuesday, we learned that as a church in this new year of 2024, each of us should pray for one particular person. Our person to pray for is Caleb Smith. If you haven’t met Caleb yet, please do. He has been a blessing to us. We will pray for Caleb all year so put him on your list. Pastor Mary Beth recorded the sermon she would have given last Sunday. It is on Facebook on the church’s page right now and I will attach it to this letter in case you’d rather read it. For the folks who receive their newsletter in the mail, let me know if you would like the sermon mailed to you. Stay well and we hope to see you all at church on Sunday. Remember we need all this water! Blessings, Cris No Service Tomorrow! Your Adboard has decided due to the large amounts of snow today going into tomorrow to not have morning worship tomorrow. Stay home and be safe! See you next week!
- PUMC Pre-recorded sermon can be seen here : Hi Everyone! January 11, 2024
I’m starting with some great news this week. The Hoods asked us to pray for Olivia Bybee who was fighting cancer some time ago and we just got word that she is cancer free! Amen to that! Her family appreciates our prayers. More good news here. On Sunday, Mickey Newton joined our church last Sunday. She is a wonderful gift to PUMC. If you haven’t met Mickey yet, please do! I have some more information about our church service with Vale UMC on Sunday, January 28th. Their church service starts at ten. If you’d like to carpool, please come to our church by 9:00 that morning. We will be sharing a potluck with them after the service. There will not be a service at PUMC that Sunday. The United Methodist Men will have their monthly breakfast meeting at Erika’s Kitchen on Saturday, January 13th at 9:00. All men are invited! The Ad Board will meet on Monday, January 15th at 7:00 p.m. The trustees will not meet this month. Our District Superintendent, Rev. Karen Hernandez will be here at PUMC on Tuesday, January 16th at 7:00 p.m. for our Ministry Conference. The congregation is invited and encouraged to attend. The SPR Committee will meet with Rev. Hernandez afterwards. Do you know that Lent is just around the corner??? To begin Lent, our Ash Wednesday service will be on Wednesday, February 14th at 7:00 p.m. The service will be held in the fellowship hall as it was last year. Weiser Little Theater proudly presents its newest play…..Mom’s Gift. Our own Dianne Kinney is the producer which is an engaging comedy by Phil Olson. The dates are all in February: 8-10, 13 and 15-17. The Feb. 13th is a dessert only performance. You can get tickets at or by calling 208-549-9355. These tickets sell out quickly so act now! We are in need of someone to step up to help with the Coffee Shop on Sunday mornings. If you think this might be your way of helping out, please let me know or talk to Mike Hall. Our new praise song this Sunday will be All I Am. Click on the blue link and listen in and sing along. You’ll be very glad you listened to this one. Give it a try. We have some prayer requests this week. A friend of Allen Crego’s was killed in a car accident last week on Hwy 95. Please pray for her family and friends. Dalyce’s friend and former teaching partner Maria Clark lost her husband recently. Please pray for Maria and her family. We received word this week that Don Essinger is in the hospital. He is very weak and has pneumonia in one lung. Please pray for Don and Letha and their family. Pam Hardenbrook has a brand-new knee! She and Jim arrived at the hospital in a snowstorm and beat the surgeon there! Her surgery was successful. Pray for a complete and quick recovery for Pam and patience for her new nurse, Jim! Please continue to pray for Irene Jeffries, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Jan Bolin, Jenny and John and Jeanie Sandquist. Now that school is back in session, please pray for all of our teachers and students. When you pass a bus or drive by a school, say a prayer for them. Be careful on the roads. It takes a couple of snowstorms to remind people how to drive in snow. We hope to see you on Sunday. Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church January 7, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “Angels from the Realm of Glory” UMH#220 vs. 1-3 Call to Worship - Danny Crego One: Arise! Shine! Your light has come! Many: The Lord's glory has shone upon everyone! One: Though shadow covers the earth and gloom the nations Many: The Lord will shine - God's glory appears to all! One: Come! Let us worship the Lord of creation! Many: All people will come into God's light! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Danny Crego O God, who by the leading of a star did manifest your only-begotten Son to all people: lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may behold your glory face-to-face; through Christ our Lord, Amen. Hymn: “Gloria Patri” UMH#70 Scripture Reading Matthew 2:1-12 (CEB) Praise Song: “Love Is Here” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Go, Tell it on the Mountain” UMH#251 vs.1-3 Message: Pastor Mary Beth Ephesians 3:1-12 (CEB) Praise Song: “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth May God strengthen you and bless you with peace; May Christ Jesus bring forth justice for you and among you; And may the Holy Spirit alight on you and affirm you as God’s beloved ones. And now, God, let your servants go in peace according to your word, because our eyes have seen your salvation. You prepared this salvation in the presence of all peoples. It’s a light for revelation to all! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Irene Jeffries, Don Essinger, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Olivia Bybee, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Jan Bolin, John Sandquist, Carol Stephan’s sister Jenny Pam Hardenbrook will have knee replacement surgery on Wednesday. Upcoming Events We are having birthday cake after church today to celebrate the birthdays of Marcy Kumagai, John Sandquist, Cris Warzyn and Shane Wright! Happy Birthday to all! Please stay after cake today to help take the Christmas decorations down. Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor this week at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction from 9-12. The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 9th at noon. We will be worshiping at Vale UMC on Sunday, January 28th. We are currently in the Season after Epiphany, which lasts for several weeks after the Feast of the Epiphany (January 6th) and Ash Wednesday. This season is somewhat similar to Ordinary Time (when we celebrate God as God of the simple, ordinary, and mundane), but it is also a distinct season in which we continually celebrate that Christ is for ALL people. The colors for this season are green and gold Hi Everyone! January 4, 2024
Happy New Year! I wonder if I’m the only one who is glad the holidays are over. If I eat one more piece of candy, I just may turn into one. Here’s hoping I eat healthy stuff for a while! I heard from our Barbara Wilson last week. She moved to Florence, Oregon recently into a gated community near where her sister lives. She sounded great and invited us to get in touch if we travel that way. Her phone number is the same and I have her new address. Thanks for the call, Barbara; we miss you! While in Boise for the holidays, Anne DeBord’s son Eric took her to the airport to pick up a “package”. The package turned out to be her son Chris from Boston! Anne was surprised and so happy to have her family all together in Boise. What a blessing. Carmen and Dale Kumagai’s son Cory was home for Christmas and Marcy’s birthday. The family was so happy to be together! This Sunday after church we will take down the Christmas decorations. But…. Before we do, we will enjoy birthday cake! We will be celebrating the birthdays (in order) of Marcy Kumagai, John Sandquist, me, and Shane Wright. So please come to church, eat cake and help us undecorate this Sunday. The church received thank you from Irene Jeffries this week. It is a very cute picture of Irene and Larry. It says, “Thank you so much for all of your love and support over this difficult time of loss. There are no words to describe our gratitude for your heartfelt sympathies. Larry’s love and generosity was beyond measure. He will be greatly missed. With love from the family of Larry and Irene Jeffries.” It is posted on the bulletin board. The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, January 9th at noon in the Fireside Room. Please make note of this date… Sunday, January 28th. We will be worshipping in Vale, Oregon with Vale UMC. We will have a potluck afterward so please plan to bring something delicious. Vale UMC visited us a few months ago so it is time to reciprocate. We will be carpooling from our church parking lot. More info on this in a couple of weeks. Monday Morning Coffee With the Pastor will be at Bordertown Coffee in Gayway Junction this week from 9-12. Pam Hardenbrook will be getting a brand-new knee next week on the 10th of January. She will be getting advice and “stuff” from Ron very soon. Please pray for Pam and her doctors. A childhood friend of mine, Dan Sims was in a serious motorcycle wreck in The Philippines last week. He has a broken shoulder and a crushed foot and was banged up pretty bad. Please keep Dan in your prayers. Jonathan, the grandson of one of Pastor Mary Beth’s former congregants from Scottsdale was in a car accident in Phoenix and is in ICU. Let’s keep him in our prayers. Keep Carmen’s cousin Tory in your prayers. He has such a long road ahead physically. Pray for Tory, his doctors and his wife Renee. Keep the following on your prayer list: Don Essinger, Jim Warzyn, Josh, Olivia, Irene Jeffries, Carol Stephan’s sister Jenny, Shannon Osborn, Hugh Homan, Lis Williamson, and John Sandquist. We will have one new praise song this Sunday. It is Love Is Here. Please click on the blue link to listen in and become familiar with it. For 2024, I wish you all the love and abundance the world has in store for you. Thank God for another year of blessings and light. Blessings, Cris |
January 2025