Hi Everyone! January 18, 2024
Ron and finally got the church through the snow about noon on Wednesday and inside I found 20 members of AA having their meeting. I’ve got to give it to them, they are dedicated. I appreciate their tenacity and willingness to change. They have been at our church for one year now. They feel comfortable here at PUMC and appreciate our wonderful building and welcoming people. So, thanks for that. As of that minute, our parking lot was plowed and the sidewalks were clean. But…. Then it snowed again. Stay safe out there. The roads are not that great. We had our annual Ministry Conference with our District Superintendent, Rev. Karen Hernandez on Tuesday evening. We had a fireside room full of people who braved the cold to attend. Rev. Hernandez did some activities with us and shared a video from the bishop. She is very aware of all of our outreach activities and is proud of us. I had a nice visit with Roxanne and Tony this week. They are loving the 60ish degree weather and are happy they are where they are. Tony is recovering from pneumonia but is getting better all the time. You might notice some changes in the coffee shop in a few weeks. There will be fewer choices offered up when we run out of the supplies we have now. The breakfast crew would love it if someone would step up to help them out. Please tell Mike or Ed if you are interested. We plan to keep the coffee shop running so please show up to church early and visit. The UMM won’t be having their Valentine Dinner this year. It just didn’t work out. Starting in March, the UMM plans to hold a lunch after church every other month. They always fix delicious food so let’s look forward to that. Start making your plans to attend church at Vale UMC on Jan. 28th. Remember it is a potluck and we will carpool from the church at 9:00 that morning. Church starts at 10 in Vale. Since we didn’t have church on Sunday, I have fewer prayer requests but there are still a few. Lyna Wilkins is recovering from Covid. She was pretty sick but seems to be getting better. Keep her in your prayers. Gary Olson went over and shoveled her out of her driveway a couple of days ago. Thanks Gary! I heard from FUMC that Don Essinger is doing a bit better and is planning to go to a rehab hospital to continue his recovery. Keep praying for Don. Lyna would like us to pray for her friends Cheryl, Jerry and Eric. They are all in the same family and need prayer. Keep these folks on your prayer list: The Sandquists, Hugh Homan, Tory, Josh, Jenny, Jim Warzyn, Shannon Osborn, Lis Williamson, Jan Bolin and Pam Hardenbrook. Dianne Kinney asked me to remind you to stay healthy this winter. Drink lots of water and wash your hands A LOT. There are lots of germs out there. As they say in Walgreens, “Be well!” When we visited with Rev. Hernandez on Tuesday, we learned that as a church in this new year of 2024, each of us should pray for one particular person. Our person to pray for is Caleb Smith. If you haven’t met Caleb yet, please do. He has been a blessing to us. We will pray for Caleb all year so put him on your list. Pastor Mary Beth recorded the sermon she would have given last Sunday. It is on Facebook on the church’s page right now and I will attach it to this letter in case you’d rather read it. For the folks who receive their newsletter in the mail, let me know if you would like the sermon mailed to you. Stay well and we hope to see you all at church on Sunday. Remember we need all this water! Blessings, Cris
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February 2025