Hi Everyone! February 1, 2024
I sure appreciated the sunny weather we had the first part of the week. I love the beautiful blue skies of the west. That blue is one of my very favorite colors. I expect we will have more of the same this spring. Kathryn and Floyd Gordon have blooming crocus already; a promise of more to come. We had a nice visit with Vale UMC last Sunday. The service was great and the potluck afterward delicious. I love it when we visit other churches. It’s nice to get to know our UMC neighbors. Lifeline Screening will be using our church on Wednesday, February 21st all day. If you are interested in being screened, please let me know because I have four coupons that will save you some money. Act quickly because they already have 34 people signed up. There are some flyers by the front door if you'd like more information. I learned this week that Pastors John and Linda Tucker will have new appointments starting July 1st. John will be the pastor at Langley, Washington and Linda will be in Oak Harbor, Washington. Langley is on the coast and Oak Harbor is on Whidbey Island. Their churches are about 30 minutes apart. John was our pastor a few years ago and has most recently acted as District Superintendent of the Crater Lake District. We wish them both the best! Bob Steckley delivered the 2023 contribution statements and I will get them to you. For those of you who are able to come to church, yours will be available on a table in the fellowship hall and I will mail the rest. I received news this week of the passing of Fruitland UMC’s beloved Don Essinger. He was the husband of a former pastor of ours, Letha Essinger. He had been struggling with health problems for a few weeks. Please pray for Letha and her family along with the congregation of Fruitland UMC. There are no arrangements yet but I will pass them along when I know. Anne DeBord has been diagnosed with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). It’s a condition in which narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to her lower legs. In PAD the legs don’t receive enough blood flow to keep up with demand. Anne has been having a hard time walking and now we know why. Please keep her in your prayers. Macy Steckley had a health scare this week. She was in the ER with a suspected heart attack. She was there for quite a long time and tried to sleep on a gurney (yikes) but came home after several hours. Her numbers look good and she is feeling pretty well. She actually sounded pretty chipper to me when she called. That’s good news. Keep Macy in your prayers. Continue to pray for Hugh Homan, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Pam Hardenbrook, Shannon Osborn, Jim Warzyn, Jan Bolin, the Sandquists, Josh, Tory and Carol Stephan’s sister Jenny. Pastor Mary Beth will travel back to Idaho late this week and will be preaching on Sunday. Pray for a safe trip for her. Her birthday is on Friday the 2nd. I guess that makes her a groundhog! Happy Birthday Mary Beth! Have a great rest of the week. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He smile on you and be gracious to you; may He look your way and give you peace. Blessings, Cris
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February 2025