Hi Everyone! October 12, 2023
We are more beloved by God than we know! We are more beloved by God than we know! Let that sink in for a minute. That’s the good news preached by Pastor Mary Beth every single week. Wrap your heart and mind about that and feel that love.The funeral for Gary Williamson will be here at PUMC this Friday at 11:00 a.m. If physical work is your gift why not come help us reform the playground into a grassy area that we can use during the year? We will start right after the men’s breakfast this Saturday morning. The UMM meets at Erika’s Kitchen at 9:00 a.m. and they will head to the church after their breakfast meeting. Please bring your own tools and your best energy! All men are invited to the breakfast. Our Ad Board will meet on Monday, October 16th at 7 p.m. The Trustees will not meet this month. Don’t forget about the Fruitland UMC’s Chili to Go event this Friday. Call 208-452-4754 to make a reservation then drive through on Friday from 4-6 and collect your yummy chili and cornbread and leave a donation. The Staff Parish Committee (SPRC) will meet on Tuesday, October 17th at 7:00 p.m. This Sunday we will have a pulpit swap. Pastor Mary Beth will preach at Nampa UMC and we will hear our sermon from Rev. Robert Walters. Danny will lead our service. Let’s make a good showing on Sunday! We have some prayer requests this week. Please keep the people of Israel and the whole Middle East in your prayers. Keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers as well. Caleb Smith’s grandfather passed away last week. Please pray for Caleb and his whole family in this difficult time. Leslie Olson fell in her home a few days ago. She is OK but sore. Keep her in your prayers. A professor of Pastor Mary Beth’s passed away last week. Keep the family and students of Dr. Hahn in your prayers. Lyna is asking for prayers for Bob Maynard from the tri cities. He is in the hospital and started chemo on Tuesday. She also asks us to pray for Verstein who has been diagnosed with cancer. A friend of hers asked us to pray for him. Please keep Selby Wright, her children Gray and Gus and in laws in your prayers. Her husband Johnny’s funeral will be on Friday. From the prayer chain Karen Sagehorn is asking for prayers for Ruth, the mother of a former day care dad who lives in Tel Aviv and for a couple who work for the same company as her son who are in a video being kidnapped and dragged across the Israeli border into Gaza. One of the exercise ladies asked me to put Chris on our prayer chain. She didn’t mention specifics, just pray for Chris. I love that people know we will pray for them! I talked to Bonnie Hall yesterday and she seems to be doing well in her recovery from knee replacement. Keep praying for her. My sister, her husband and daughter have all recovered from Covid. Thanks for your prayers.Keep these folks on your prayer list: Hugh Homan, Jim Warzyn, Olivia Bybee, Tory, Josh, Shannon Osborn and Teresa’s soon to be born grandson. On Sunday, October 29th we will observe All Saints Day. All Saints Day remembers and celebrates the lives of our loved ones who have gone on before us. We will have a brief candle lighting liturgy where we will remember those whom we have lost. If there is a name you would like to have spoken in this liturgy, please write it on an index card on the table in the fellowship hall and place it in the basket. If you can’t make it to church before then, contact me. Thanks in advance to all who are helping with Gary Williamson’s funeral. I love how people always step up every single time! You are loved and appreciated. We hope to see you on Sunday to hear the sermon from Rev. Walters. Blessings, Cris
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September 2024