Hi Everyone! January 30, 2025
It looks like we made it through January with very little snow here in the valley. I’m OK with that because it is very expensive to plow the church parking lot! We do have snow in the mountains which we rely on to fill our reservoirs each year. We had a baked potato with chili lunch last Sunday which was delicious and fun. For dessert we had an ice cream bar provided by our women’s group. All $253 will be sent to UMCOR and designated to go to California Fire restoration. Your generosity is appreciated! We are in need of some volunteers! Can you forward slides during church and learn to turn the soundboard on and adjust it when necessary? Ron, Teresa and I would love to have backups to cover for us when we aren’t in church. Please get in touch with us if you are willing to help us out. Can you come early to the church and help Mike get the snacks ready for the coffee shop? He could use a helping hand getting everything ready. If you feel like this is something you can do, please talk to Mike and he’ll let you know what time to be here. The Payette Nazarene Church will be having their wild game feed on Saturday, Feb. 8th at 5:30. The tickets can be purchased at the door for $10. Unfortunately, this is a men’s only dinner. Dianne Kinney reminds us to stay well this winter. Get your vaccines, wash your hands, keep your hands away from your face, stay home if you are sick and stay away from sick people! This area has a lot of viruses going around this time of year. Be well! Our own Caleb Smith has earned $42,000 in scholarships to Boise State next year! He has applied for more scholarships so please keep him in your prayers! Go gettem Caleb!!! Jana Schaffeld was back in church on Sunday. She is still recovering from several broken ribs and a broken arm but she looked great! Welcome back Jana! We have been praying for Lyna’s friend Peggy Roach for several months now and she came to church with Lyna last Sunday. It was nice to put a face with the name finally! She brought her beautiful German Shepard service dog with her but I don’t think the Hood’s Sadie liked it much. PUMC is her church! Pam and Pastor Jim Hardenbrook had a safe trip to their new home in Virginia a couple of weeks ago. Jim said they had beautiful blue skies and no travel worries. We wish you well Pam and Jim! Please pray for the families of the folks who died in the terrible plane crash on Wednesday night. 67 people were tragedy lost including the three in the helicopter. We have a few other prayer requests this week. Keep praying for Lyna’s cousin George as he fights cancer. Ron’s brother Jerry who has adult-onset MD is having mobility issues. Keep Jerry in your prayers. Carmen Kumagai’s cousin Tory turned 61 last week and had a stint put in his heart all on the same day. Please keep Tory in your prayers. Continue to pray for: Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Nick Tompkins in basic training, Garry Jones, Grace Hammon, Meegan, Ed Parsons, Lyna’s cousin George, Chuck Kinney, Voni King and Megan Palmer Did you hear that we had another school shooting last week? Devastatingly, these events have become so commonplace that we don’t hear much about them. A high school girl and the shooter were both killed. Gun violence in schools continues to devastate communities and leave families shattered, sparking urgent calls for stronger safety measures as well as for a deeper national conversation about how to address the root causes of this escalating crisis. I guess the two things we can do is pray for the safety of our school kids and to vote for people who want to be part of the solution. We have to do something! In the sermon on Sunday, Pastor Mary Beth used scripture from 1 Corinthians 12 to teach us about spiritual gifts. We learned we are all different and our differences are a good thing. Each of us is valuable and our gifts are worth celebrating. Let’s do what we can to make the world a better place! We hope to see you on Sunday! Blessings, Cris
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February 2025