Hi Everyone! September 5, 2024
Teresa, Ron and I traveled to McCall last Friday to visit Anne DeBord. The drive was easy even thought it was Labor Day weekend and it went fast because Teresa and I talked the whole way up and back. Ask Ron, he will tell you that was true! Anne is doing well and seems to be keeping busier than ever playing bridge and hanging out with her friends there. Bonnie and Mike sent some tomatoes and basil which I bet she shared and some zucchini bread which I doubt she shared! We had a nice lunch together, did a few honeydews including untangling her Vandal flag. That’s important you know! Anne will be back in Payette in about a month’s time. Caleb Smith is playing football this year and is selling Pirate Cards. They cost $25 and give discounts to several local places and give the whole $25 off for Payette home games. If you’d like to buy one, talk to Caleb next Sunday or contact me and I’ll let him know. Let’s support Caleb and PHS football. PHS beat Parma last week! Go Pirates! Just a head’s up, our annual Charge Conference is scheduled for Monday, October 21st at 7pm in conjunction with our October Ad Board Meeting. You are going to get a break from my ramblings for a few weeks. Ron and I are going on a European cruise! We’ll leave Sunday afternoon and will be back for church on September 29th. Pastor Mary Beth will do many of my tasks and will juggle my being gone with being at Middleton UMC. Leslie Olson will fill in on September 10-12. Thursday September 19th and 26th the office will be closed. The church will be open every weekday from noon until one for AA and the exercise group will be here on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I know that’s a lot to remember so maybe call before you come. Danny Crego has applied for a job as Community Liaison in Ontario. This is a newly created position and seems like a perfect fit for Danny. He would coordinate services for people. Let’s pray for everything to work out for Danny. Danny has some great news for us. He got word that he was voted forward toward Ordination! He has been on this path for several years and never gave up focus. We are proud of you Danny! Grace Hammon and her sister Jo have moved to Brookdale Assisted Living. It has been a process but Carmen reports that things have moved way more smoothly than expected. Grace and Jo can be contacted at Brookdale 1372 SW 8th Ave. Ontario, OR 97914. The Ad Board will meet on Monday, September 16th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. The Trustees will not meet this month. I received word from Dennis Haren that his son Kurtis is terminally ill. They don’t have a timeframe yet but soon will. He had surgery and a tumor removed from his back. His back is fused and he is now home, comfortable and is walking a little better. They will find out a treatment plan this week. This news is devastating to Dennis, Kurtis’ mom and siblings and the whole family. Please keep them all in your prayers. Dale Kumagai had surgery to replace his pacemaker last week. Carmen reports that he is doing just fine. Jalani Waynetska’s mom Tricia is in hospice care now. The doctors give her weeks to months to live. She has plans to attend Wesley’s first birthday party in six weeks. Let’s pray that she gets to come to the party. By then Wesley’s baby brother should have arrived! I received word from Jean Hershey that Mark’s tests came back and he has NO cancer! Amen to that! He is recovering from the surgery a little slow for his liking but will be just fine. Danny asks for prayers for a family member’s health. Let’s keep praying for the firefighters in our forests and for all the people the fires are impacting. As always, pray for peace now more than ever. Have a great week and remember: you are Beautiful Eccl 3:11, Amazing Ps.139:14, Victorious Rom 8:13, Capable Mark 10:27, Enough 2 Cor.12:9, Chosen 1 Thess 1:14, Strong Phil. 4:13, Created Gen. 1:31, Never Alone Matt 28:20 and Always Loved Rom. 8:38 I’ll miss you all but I’m very excited to begin our journey. Please pray for safe travels for Ron and I and my brother Russ and his wife Paula. See you soon! Blessings, Cris
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