Hi Everyone! January 16, 2025
Have you noticed that our daylight hours have been getting longer bit by bit? That’s the promise of spring. January has been pretty mild so far and I’m OK with that. I received the results of the VFW Voice of Democracy contest from Caleb Smith. Out of over 400 contestants, Caleb was awarded with 4th place! He received a plaque, a backpack, a jacket, a certificate and $200. Excellent job Caleb! We are proud of you. You can look forward to a delicious meal after church on Sunday, January 26th. The UMM will be serving up chili and baked potatoes with all the fixin’s. Put that on your calendar and plan to attend. There will be a basket for a free will offering. The Love INC fundraiser this year will be at the Payette Nazarene Church on Thursday, January 30th at 7:00 p.m. The speaker will be Payette’s own Indy Car Driver Sting Ray Robb. Tickets can be purchased at the door. Pastor Mary Beth started student teaching this week. She has been placed with a third grade teacher at Payette Primary School. She won’t be in the office or at the coffee shop at her regular times but you can still contact her and make an appointment to visit with her. She will still get her work accomplished for the church and will be a very busy person. Keep her in your prayers. Pastor Jim Hardenbrook stopped by late last week to drop some books off for Danny Crego and shared the news that he and Pam sold their home in Weiser quickly and are moving to Virginia this week. They will spend winters in Virginia and summers in Alaska and will be close to their kids and grandkids in both places. Please pray for safe travels for Pam and Jim. They were a big part of us for several years and we wish them the best! And now for some prayer requests. Jana Schaffeld was in Nashville with her sister and friends last week and fell down some stairs. She broke several ribs and her arm and is still in the hospital in Tennessee. She will return when she is well enough to travel. Keep Jana in your prayers as she heals from this injury. I have an update from Connie Jones about her dad Garry. First, she says she has felt our prayers and really appreciates them. She is a lot calmer now than before. Since her dad has been on hospice care he is feeling so much better. He’s in less pain and is sleeping better. He is even walking to the barn and helping with the chores! If he continues to improve, he might go off of hospice care. Keep praying for Garry, Connie and the rest of the family. My sister Carolyn had a scare this week. When she woke up, her heart was racing and she was out of breath. My daughter Tess was on her way to her house to visit so she took her to the ER. They got her right in, did tests on her and she is just fine! She might need a medication change but nothing else. I’m thankful that Tess had a cool head and took care of her. Please keep Carolyn in your prayers. Dalyce asked us to keep praying for David’s brother Ray. He has been battling cancer for a while now. Lyna Wilkins has been sick for a couple of weeks now. She is feeling better but still has a deep, lingering cough. Keep Lyna in your prayers. She asks us to pray for her cousin George who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and will also will have a thyroid biopsy this week. Keep George and his wife Leslie in your prayers. Tony and Roxanne Irwin are visiting Roxanne’s kids in Florida this week and will be traveling home next week. Pray for them to have a wonderful, warm time and safe return to us. We have to keep praying for the folks in southern California! They are going through devastating times. As a retired teacher I always think of the kids first being without homes and schools. If you’d like to donate money for relief, UMCOR is a wonderful choice. You can count on the fact that every dollar you send will be spent correctly. Just write a check to our church, write UMCOR California on the memo line and we’ll get it to them. I’m going to end this letter with a feel-good story. Since he was a kid, Brandon Baumler has always helped us decorate and undecorate the church at Christmas time. He loved climbing up and doing the high stuff and his mom Michelle let him. Who knew we were training him to be an arborist???? So, this Sunday his beloved Denver Broncos were playing their game during church so what did he do? He came down before church started and took down most of the decorations and all of the high ones! What a guy! We appreciate you Brandon! Have a wonderful week and we hope to see you at church. Blessings, Cris
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February 2025