Payette United Methodist Church
June 23, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “Amazing Grace” UMH#378 vs 1-3, 6 Call to Worship - Glenora Wright One: When the world stands divided, Many: Come, Holy Spirit, and make us one. One: When the world calls us orphaned, Many: Come, Holy Spirit, and make us family. One: When we wander astray, Many: Come, Holy Spirit, and lead us home. One: Come, let us worship God our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer! Many: Alleluia! The Spirit is here! Amen! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Glenora Wright Lord God, through Christ you have given us peace that the world cannot give. Let your Spirit of truth abide with us so that we may live in hope, grow in faith, and keep your commandments of love; Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Mark 4:35-41 (CEB) Praise Song: “You Never Let Go” Video Presentation Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “His Eye is On the Sparrow” TFWS#2146 vs.1-3 Sermon: 2 Corinthians 5:6-17 (CEB) Danny Crego Praise Song: “What Joy” Video Presentation Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego Go out into the world, and labor to bring forth new life. Dream dreams; pursue visions; and let God’s love guide your words and your actions. May the God who breathes life be your delight; may Christ Jesus give hope to your dreaming; and may the Spirit set your heart on fire with a passion for peace. We go in peace to love and serve the Lord! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Peyton, Anne DeBord, Jill Hanigan, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Jerry Hall, Grace Hammon, Taylor Family, Noah Howard, John Bell, Jana Schaffeld and Clarity. Pastor Mary Beth’s mom is in the hospital fighting a bacterial infection. She had surgery on Wednesday. Pray for Danny Crego’s mom Karen. She is home from the hospital but is still in need of prayer. Upcoming Events The SPR committee will meet this Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. The annual golf tourney hosted by the UMM will be on Tuesday. Arrive by 9:15 to golf, by 12:00 to play a quick card game and 12:30 for lunch. Golf including cart $25 lunch $11. Drinks are extra. Next Sunday, June 30th we will have a potluck lunch. Bring something delicious to share. The School Supply Fair will be on Saturday, August 3rd. Save the date! Please donate $ if you can! The Blessing Pitcher is out for a classmate of Danny’s who is a refugee and will attend Vanderbilt College and needs help for lodging for he and his family. If you write a check, put refugee on the memo line
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November 2024