Payette United Methodist Church
July 21, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song: “Bind Us Together” TFWS#2226 Call to Worship - Mike Hall One: It is by God’s grace that we gather for worship. Many: And it is by God’s grace that our lives are changed. One: We are counting on the active and amazing grace of God today. Many: Lord, by your Holy Spirit, enliven our worship. One: Help us by our actions to be faithful followers of Jesus. Many: For this, we give you thanks and praise! Amen! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Mike Hall God, give us the courage to live in the now. Help us to live into the ordinary days of our lives and of the church year. For this day, we give you thanks, because you have given us another day to love you and to love each other. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 (CEB) Praise Song: “Hungry” Video Presentation Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “The King of Love My Shepard Is” UMH#138 vs.1,3,6 Sermon: John 10:11-18 - Lectio Divina (CEB) Danny Crego Praise Song: “Take My Life” Video Presentation Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego Beloved, go into the world with the mind of Christ. Go into the world to be the hands and feet of Christ. Go into the world filled with the love of Christ. May we, who have been healed by Christ, go out and offer healing into the world in Christ’s name. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Mark Hershey, Peyton, Anne DeBord, Jill Hanigan, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Hugh Homan, Jerry Hall, Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon and Pascal Hershey’s family John Sandquist had knee replacement surgery on Tuesday. Keep he and Jeanie in your prayers. John Bell is home! Keep the thousands or firefighters in your prayers not only during this time but always. Upcoming Events The School Supply Fair will be on Saturday, August 3rd signup sheets are available. We will need so much help. Please donate $ if you can! We will need cookies, homemade or store purchased. If you are willing to bring a raffle basket for the School Supply Fair, please let Cris know ASAP Monday Coffee With the Pastor is now from 2-5 at Bordertown!
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February 2025