Payette United Methodist Church
January 19, 2025 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Hymn: “We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nation” UMH#569 vs. 1-3 Call to Worship - Mike Hall One: Let us never consider unclean what God has made pure. God led the Magi to Christ through a guiding star; the way that spoke to them. Many: Christ is for all people! Alleluia! One: God shows no partiality. No race or group is shown special advantage. Many: Everyone of us is beloved in God’s sight! One: We will find our hope where fear is overwhelmed by grace, where hatred is overwhelmed by love, where all people are overwhelmed by joy. Many: May God’s light in us illuminate the world! Amen. Opening Prayer (in unison) - Mike Hall God of all nations, peoples and cultures, you led the Magi to your love by the light of a star. Through this story, we know your love is destined for all. Guide us in the new ways of your Son. Let your light shine everywhere, that all people may praise you in their own way, and enrich your Church with their own gifts. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Psalm 36:5-10 (CEB) Hymn: “Freely, Freely” UMH#389 all vs. Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Hymn: “Where Charity and Love Prevail” UMH#549 vs. 1,2,6 Sermon: - 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 (CEB) Pastor Mary Beth via video Hymn: “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” UMH#557 vs. 1,2,4 Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego One: We have celebrated together that Jesus Christ came not only for Christians, but to be known by every person, every country, every culture on earth. For Christ is the Savior of all. May the All-Loving God bless you and keep you! Go in the peace of Christ and walk in God’s light, from this day forth and forevermore. Many: May we come to know God better and then make God known to others, especially by the way we live! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Grace Hammon, Meegan, Megan Palmer. Nick Tompkins (in basic training), Ed Parsons Pray for the victims of the California wildfires. Connie Jones’ dad Garry is in hospice care. Keep Garry and his family in your prayers. Jana Schaffeld had a bad fall and is in the hospital in Tennessee. Pray for a complete recovery. Upcoming Events The Ad Board will meet tomorrow, January 18th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. We will have communion just on the Sundays when our pastor is here at PUMC.
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February 2025