O Antiphon Paintings by Sister Ansgar
Payette United Methodist Church December 8, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Hymn: “The King of Glory Comes” TFWS#2091 all vs Call to Worship - Caleb Smith One: With all our hearts, we glorify the Lord! Many: Our hearts rejoice in God, our Savior! One: God looks upon the lowly with favor, Many: The mighty one has done great things! Holy is God’s name! One: God shows mercy to everyone, from one generation to the next. Many: God is strong and scatters the proud in their conceit. One: God pulls the powerful down from their thrones and lifts up the lowly. Many: God fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty-handed. One: God remembers the promise of mercy that has been passed to God’s people for generations. Many: So let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Caleb Smith Key of David, bringer of peace; we adore you because you have come to us in the past; we adore you because you come to us now; we adore you because you will come to us at the end. In this Advent season, draw us together in unity, mission, and service, that we may see Christ in all whom we meet, and that all whom we meet may see Christ in us. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Luke 1:68-79 (CEB) Advent Candle Lighting Caleb Smith O Come, O Come Emmanuel Hymn: Savior of the Nations, Come UMH #214 vs. 1-3 Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Hymn: “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” UMH #216 vs. 1,3 Sermon: - Baruch 5:1-9 (CEB) Pastor Mary Beth Hymn: “For the Bread Which You Have Broken” UMH #615 vs. 1,3 Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth One: Go now to follow the way of Jesus: see others as he did; dare to give freely as he did; and to love unconditionally as he did. The grace of the Word of life rest upon you; the love of the Source of life embrace you; and the transforming power of the Breath of life help, strengthen and surprise you, this day forth and forevermore. Many: In the season of Advent, let us not be closed to the new things God seeks to do in the world, and may we partner with God in the work of redemption. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Peyton, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Taylor Family, Grace Hammon, Kathie Phelps’ sister Jackie, Lander Franek Lexi received a new kidney on Tuesday. Her family asks that we pray for the donor’s family. Upcoming Events The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday Dec. 10th at noon in the fellowship hall. We are all invited to an open house celebrating Doris Homan’s 90th birthday on Sunday, December 15th from 12-3 at the Clubhouse at Little Country Village. No gifts please. Our Candle Light Christmas Eve service will begin at 6:00 p.m.
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January 2025