Payette United Methodist Church
December 29, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome In the church calendar, we are in the season of Christmas. We celebrate Christmas for twelve days, beginning on December 25th and lasting until Epiphany (officially January 6th, but we will observe it on January 5th). The colors for this season are white and gold. Happy Christmas! Passing the Peace “Family of God” Hymn: “Joy to the World” UMH#246 vs. 1,2,4 Call to Worship - Lyna Wilkins One: Come, let us rejoice in the light of Christ, the newborn King! Many: Christ has brought hope and peace to the world! One: Let us gather in celebration, as we remember the wonder of God's love made flesh! Many: Let our hearts overflow with praise and thanksgiving! One: Glory to God in the highest! Many: And on earth, peace and goodwill to all! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Lyna Wilkins Holy One, you have appeared in the flesh, bringing redemption to all. Your glory is made known in a newborn child, a living hope. Open our hearts to sing a new song of justice, righteousness, and endless peace. Let love be born anew in our hearts. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:12-17 (CEB) Hymn: “Christmas Medley” 1 vs ea. #240 UMH “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”, #217 UMH “Away in a Manger”, #224 “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice #224 UMH, “Angels We Have Heard on High” #238 Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Hymn: “The First Noel” UMH #245 vs.1,2,4 Sermon: Luke 2:41-52 (CEB) Pastor Mary Beth via video Hymn: “Go, Tell it on the Mountain” UMH# 251 vs. 1-3 Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego One: Go in peace, proclaiming the Word of God made flesh. Many: May God give us the grace to carry the good news of Christ. Glory to God in the highest! Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Grace Hammon, Kathie Phelps’ sister Jackie, Lexi, Meegan, Megan Palmer. Nick Tompkins, the Schoen Family, Ed Parsons Upcoming Events The Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume in January. We will remove the Christmas decorations after church on Sunday, January 12th after church. Please plan to help if you can.
Payette United Methodist Church
December 22, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Hymn: “Emmanuel, Emmanuel” UMH#204 2X Call to Worship Tony Irwin One: With all our hearts, we glorify the Lord! Many: Our hearts rejoice in God, our Savior! One: God looks upon the lowly with favor, Many: The mighty one has done great things! Holy is God’s name! One: God shows mercy to everyone, from one generation to the next. Many: God is strong and scatters the proud in their conceit. One: God pulls the powerful down from their thrones and lifts up the lowly. Many: God fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty-handed. One: God remembers the promise of mercy that has been passed to God’s people for generations. Many: So let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) Tony Irwin Emmanuel, God with us, God of love; we adore you because you have come to us in the past; we adore you because you come to us now; we adore you because you will come to us at the end. In this Advent season, draw us together in unity, mission, and service, that we may see Christ in all whom we meet, and that all whom we meet may see Christ in us. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Luke 1:39-45 (CEB) Advent Candle Lighting Tony & Roxanne Irwin O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Emmanuel verse) Hymn: “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” UMH #196 all vs. Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Hymn: “O Little Town of Bethlehem” UMH #230 vs.1-3 Sermon: Micah 5:2-5a (CEB) Pastor Mary Beth Hymn: “I Come With Joy” UMH #617 vs. 1,2,4 Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth One: Go now to follow the way of Jesus: see others as he did; dare to give freely as he did; and to love unconditionally as he did. The grace of the Word of life rest upon you; the love of the Source of life embrace you; and the transforming power of the Breath of life help, strengthen and surprise you, this day forth and forevermore. Many: In the season of Advent, let us not be closed to the new things God seeks to do in the world, and may we partner with God in the work of redemption. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Peyton, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Taylor Family, Grace Hammon, Kathie Phelps’ sister Jackie, Lander Franek, Lexi, Meegan, Jennifer Irwin, the Clements Family, Megan Palmer Nick Tompkins started basic training for the Air Force in Texas this week. Keep Nick in your prayers Chris Schoen passed away last week. Keep the Schoen Family in your prayers. Upcoming Events Our Candle Light Christmas Eve service will begin at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday night. The Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume in January. They will take a couple of weeks off. Hi Everyone! December 19, 2024
I hope you all are ready for Christmas. It will come whether we are ready or not I’ve come to know. I’ve been volunteering in a kindergarten classroom for the past few weeks. You don’t know energy until you spend an hour with a class of five-year-olds the week before Christmas! They are ready! I hope you pray for students and teachers each time you pass by a school building. In these times those prayers are definitely needed. Glenora reported that our profit from the Winter Festival was over $4,000. So much work was put into the festival and so many people stepped up. We appreciate each and every one of you. The Wednesday Night Bible Study will take a few weeks off and will meet up again after the new year. I will let you know the exact day when I hear. Our Candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be next Tuesday night at 6pm. Please ask your friends and family to attend with you and let’s fill the sanctuary. If you’d like to bring a few cookies or goodies to share, we will offer them before and after the service. I received the best news this morning. Deanna Carr is going to be a grandma! Her son Derek and his wife Jamie are expecting a baby boy due in April! I know that they have all been praying for this for a long time. Congrats to the Carrs! Lyna Wilkins’ granddaughter Emma who is 12 years old qualified for many events in the state swim meet in Oregon. Congrats Emma! Maybe one day we will see her in the Olympics. Wouldn’t that be cool? Our own Nick Tompkins left for Basic Training with the Air Force this week in San Antonio, Texas. Speaking from experience, I know it will be a rough few weeks for him. I also know that Nick is strong and smart and he will be just fine. Keep him in your prayers. Congrats Nick, we are proud of you! We have some prayer requests this week. Chris Schoen passed away suddenly last week. He was the son of Barbara and Ron Schoen, former members of our congregation. He was the youngest of the 6 Schoen kids. Please pray for his family. Lyna Wilkins’ niece Megan Palmer was first diagnosed with an aneurism and now knows that she has a mass on two different parts of her brain. Please keep praying for Megan and her medical team. The Hood’s niece Meegan for whom we have been praying now knows that she has Lymphoma, a type of cancer. Please pray for a complete recovery for Meegan. Keep Ed Parsons in your prayers please. He reports that he has bad days and good days. We pray for way more good ones! Karen Sagehorn asks us to pray for her son and daughter in law. They desperately hope to adopt a child in the near future. Please keep the whole adoption team involved in your prayers. I received news today that Jim Moy has been having heart issues. He is stable now and is on some meds that seem to be working. Keep Jim in your prayers please. He says hi to all and that he prays for us! This time of year, please pray for those who are struggling for whatever reason when everyone around them is celebrating. We learned from our pastor’s sermon last week that salvation is: Coming home. Let that sink in for a minute. It’s comforting to me. We hope to see you in church on Sunday and again on Tuesday. Let’s fill this place up! Blessings, Cris Hi Everyone! December 12, 2024
Our annual Winter Festival was a success thanks to all of you who helped in any way. I haven’t received the final numbers for the financial side but it was definitely a success with us working together! A giant thanks goes to Glenora Wright and her daughters Tamara and Tina for orchestrating the whole event and for her co-chairpersons who helped her carry it out. We had help from lots of family members and Pascal Hershey and a friend drove all the way to Boise to help make the lasagna! I think we can all pat ourselves on the back! One of our main events is always the Nativity Tour! It did not disappoint this year. According to the chair, Dalyce Knight, we had 75 nativities on display and they were beautiful! As you know, all good things come to an end and they were all taken down on Sunday after church. If you are missing any items, please talk to Dalyce and she will help you find them. We will not have Ad Board or Trustee meetings in December. If we need to meet, we will gather after church. Our Ad Board Chair, Ken Phelps will let us know if that is necessary. The January/February issue of The Upper Room is available in the entryway. Let me know if you need help getting a copy. The United Methodist Men will meet this Saturday for their monthly breakfast meeting at 9:00 a.m. at Erika’s Kitchen in Payette. All men are encouraged to attend. I have some good news! Our visitor, Emma had a baby girl last week. That’s about all I know. We will wait for her to return to hear more news. Eddie Parsons had successful ankle surgery last week. He should be good as new in no time. Pray for a complete recovery. Lexi who just received a new kidney has been released from the hospital in Salt Lake City. She and her parents have moved into the Ronald McDonald House for at least a month while they monitor her health and the health of the kidney. Pray that she will be able to keep this kidney! We have some prayer requests this week. We hosted a funeral for Stan Clements at the end of September and I just got a call from his daughter Jody that her mom Kathy passed away the day before Thanksgiving. That’s a lot of grief for a family. We will host a funeral for Kathy in January. Please keep this family in your prayers. Tony Irwin asked us to keep his daughter Jennifer in our prayers. Her daughter Holly is in the in Navy and is far away and it’s a hard time of year for Jennifer. This leads me to the next prayer request for anyone suffering or missing loved ones during the holiday season. Sheri Hood asked us to keep praying for her relative Meegan who has been struggling and now has pneumonia. Lyna Wilkins’ niece Megan Palmer was admitted to the hospital with a brain aneurysm on Wednesday of this week. Please pray for a complete recovery for Megan. A member of the exercise class, Ethel had cataract surgery this week. Please keep her in your prayers. Continue to pray for peace in the Middle East. There are new developments daily so keep in the loop and keep praying. Pastor Mary Beth is back from vacation and preached here last Sunday. Her sermon focused on being a peacemaker. We learned the difference in being a peacekeeper and a peacemaker. A peacemaker stands up to injustice even when people are uncomfortable. A peacemaker makes things fair and just. Jesus was a peacemaker. If you’d like to visit with our pastor about this, I’m sure she’d be glad to discuss it with you. Don’t forget that we are invited to an open house to celebrate Doris Homan’s 90th birthday. It will be at the clubhouse in Little Country Village this Sunday from 12:30-3:00. They ask that you don’t bring gifts but cards will be great! Have a great rest of the week, pray for the sun to come out and we hope to see you here on Sunday! Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
December 15, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Hymn: “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” UMH#211 vs. 1-4 Call to Worship – Ken Phelps One: With all our hearts, we glorify the Lord! Many: Our hearts rejoice in God, our Savior! One: God looks upon the lowly with favor, Many: The mighty one has done great things! Holy is God’s name! One: God shows mercy to everyone, from one generation to the next. Many: God is strong and scatters the proud in their conceit. One: God pulls the powerful down from their thrones and lifts up the lowly. Many: God fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty-handed. One: God remembers the promise of mercy that has been passed to God’s people for generations. Many: So let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) – Ken Phelps Dayspring, source of our joy; we adore you because you have come to us in the past; we adore you because you come to us now; we adore you because you will come to us at the end. In this Advent season, draw us together in unity, mission, and service, that we may see Christ in all whom we meet, and that all whom we meet may see Christ in us. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-20; Isaiah 12:2-6 (CEB) Advent Candle Lighting Ken Phelps O Come, O Come Emmanuel (Dayspring Verse) Hymn: “Blessed Be the God of Israel” UMH #209 vs. 1-3 (tune #580) Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Hymn: “Emmanuel, Emmanuel” UMH #204 2X Sermon: - Philippians 4:4-7 (CEB) Danny Crego Hymn: “For the Bread Which You Have Broken” UMH #614 vs. 1,2 Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego One: Go now to follow the way of Jesus: see others as he did; dare to give freely as he did; and to love unconditionally as he did. The grace of the Word of life rest upon you; the love of the Source of life embrace you; and the transforming power of the Breath of life help, strengthen and surprise you, this day forth and forevermore. Many: In the season of Advent, let us not be closed to the new things God seeks to do in the world, and may we partner with God in the work of redemption. Amen. In the church calendar, we are in the season of Advent. Advent marks the start of a new church year and reminds us that we wait for Christ to return. We observe this season by anticipating the coming Christmas season and by celebrating the seven O Antiphons, or names for Christ (Wisdom, Adoni/Lord of Might, Desire of Nations, Root of Jesse, Key of David, Dayspring, and Emmanuel). The hymn O Come, O Come Emmanuel was written about the O Antiphons. The color for Advent is blue, which signifies new creation, hope, and is often associated with Mary, the mother of Christ. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Peyton, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Taylor Family, Grace Hammon, Kathie Phelps’ sister Jackie, Lander Franek, Lexi, Meegan, Jennifer Irwin Kathy Clements passed away in November. Please pray for her family. Upcoming Events There will be no Ad Board or Trustee Meeting in December. We are all invited to an open house celebrating Doris Homan’s 90th birthday today from 12:30-3 at the Clubhouse at Little Country Village. No gifts please. Our Candle Light Christmas Eve service will begin at 6:00 p.m. O Antiphon Paintings by Sister Ansgar
Payette United Methodist Church December 8, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Hymn: “The King of Glory Comes” TFWS#2091 all vs Call to Worship - Caleb Smith One: With all our hearts, we glorify the Lord! Many: Our hearts rejoice in God, our Savior! One: God looks upon the lowly with favor, Many: The mighty one has done great things! Holy is God’s name! One: God shows mercy to everyone, from one generation to the next. Many: God is strong and scatters the proud in their conceit. One: God pulls the powerful down from their thrones and lifts up the lowly. Many: God fills the hungry with good things, and sends the rich away empty-handed. One: God remembers the promise of mercy that has been passed to God’s people for generations. Many: So let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Caleb Smith Key of David, bringer of peace; we adore you because you have come to us in the past; we adore you because you come to us now; we adore you because you will come to us at the end. In this Advent season, draw us together in unity, mission, and service, that we may see Christ in all whom we meet, and that all whom we meet may see Christ in us. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Luke 1:68-79 (CEB) Advent Candle Lighting Caleb Smith O Come, O Come Emmanuel Hymn: Savior of the Nations, Come UMH #214 vs. 1-3 Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Hymn: “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming” UMH #216 vs. 1,3 Sermon: - Baruch 5:1-9 (CEB) Pastor Mary Beth Hymn: “For the Bread Which You Have Broken” UMH #615 vs. 1,3 Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth One: Go now to follow the way of Jesus: see others as he did; dare to give freely as he did; and to love unconditionally as he did. The grace of the Word of life rest upon you; the love of the Source of life embrace you; and the transforming power of the Breath of life help, strengthen and surprise you, this day forth and forevermore. Many: In the season of Advent, let us not be closed to the new things God seeks to do in the world, and may we partner with God in the work of redemption. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Peyton, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Taylor Family, Grace Hammon, Kathie Phelps’ sister Jackie, Lander Franek Lexi received a new kidney on Tuesday. Her family asks that we pray for the donor’s family. Upcoming Events The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday Dec. 10th at noon in the fellowship hall. We are all invited to an open house celebrating Doris Homan’s 90th birthday on Sunday, December 15th from 12-3 at the Clubhouse at Little Country Village. No gifts please. Our Candle Light Christmas Eve service will begin at 6:00 p.m. |
January 2025