Hello everyone!
The Warzyns are well-traveled and will soon be heading home! I am so glad they went on a well-deserved vacation, and I am excited to have them back with us. We are going through the book of Revelation again! If you like to read along, please read chapters 8-11 this week. If you like to listen to audio readings, and you have a smartphone or access to the internet, you can probably find a recorded reading of Revelation. I have found that it is helpful to listen to Revelation when I do my readings sometimes. If you forget to read, or you simply do not want to read along, that is okay! I will sum up the section during the sermon. Sometimes it is just helpful to read along! The UMM will host a Taco Feed after church this Sunday. They will collect a good will offering. The UMW will host an ice cream bar for dessert. Plan to stay after church for some delicious food! Next Thursday, October 3rd, in honor of the Feast of St. Francis (who referred to pets as brothers and sisters in Christ) I am offering a come-and-go blessing of the pets from 10-12! I will be outside, probably near the sidewalk by the street. Bring your fur-covered companion by for a blessing! Our Fall Carnival is scheduled for Saturday, October 5th from 1:00-3:00 PM. We will have a bounce house, cotton candy, games, face painting, and food. This event is a fun chance to spend some time with our neighbors, and it is a great chance for them to get to know us! It is also a wonderful opportunity to invite someone new to church! If you would like to volunteer that day, there is a sign up sheet in the foyer. Our annual Charge Conference is scheduled for Monday, October 21st at 7:00 PM. Rev. Dr. Rob Walters from Nampa UMC will be our presiding elder. Charge conference is our yearly church meeting to discuss any changes in salary and to approve committee members for the following year. There are reports that Cris and I fill out ahead of time, and the meeting itself usually only lasts about 10-15 minutes. This meeting will be followed by our October Ad Council meeting. We will host Trunk-or-Treat again this year on Thursday, October 31st from 5-6:30 PM. If you would like to donate candy for this, bring a bag by the office. If you would like to pass out candy, bring a vehicle and a smile! We have several praises this week! Teresa Beer’s family welcomed her second grandchild, Maverick Carter Waynetska, into the world last week. Tony Irwin is free from back pain! And Danny has moved onto the next step in his application process, submitted some things to the Board of Ordained Ministry, and gets to have a relaxing, unplugged weekend. We did not have any new prayer requests this week, but we are encouraged to keep Mark Hershey, Peyton, Lexi, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Jerry Hall, the Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon, Kurtis Haren, and Nathaniel Zuefelt in prayer. May the God of grace bless you, keep you, and give you peace. Grace and peace, Pastor Mary Beth Boesch (she/her/hers) Payette United Methodist Church - (208)642-2475 Middleton United Methodist Church - (208)585-6621
September 18, 2024
Hello everyone! Cris and Ron send us greetings from Seville, Spain! The pictures they have sent look like they are having a wonderful time. I hope this trip is slow for them, but quick for us, because we sure do miss them around here! I am covering for Cris in the office this week and next. The office is closed tomorrow (September 19th) and next Thursday (September 26th). We are going through the book of Revelation again! If you like to read along, please read chapters 4-7 this week. If you forget, or you simply do not want to read along, that is okay! I will sum up the section during the sermon. Sometimes it is just helpful to read along! The UMM will host a Taco Feed after church on Sunday, September 29th. They will collect a good will offering. Plan to stay after church for some delicious food! Our Fall Carnival is scheduled for Saturday, October 5th from 1:00-3:00 PM. We still need some donations if we are to order a bounce house and cotton candy machine this year. We will for sure have food, lawn games, and face painting. This event is a fun chance to spend some time with our neighbors, and it is a great chance for them to get to know us! It is also a wonderful opportunity to invite someone new to church! If you would like to volunteer that day, there is a sign up sheet in the foyer. Our annual Charge Conference is scheduled for Monday, October 21st at 7:00 PM. Rev. Dr. Rob Walters from Nampa UMC will be our presiding elder. Charge conference is our yearly church meeting to discuss any changes in salary and to approve committee members for the following year. There are reports that Cris and I fill out ahead of time, and the meeting itself usually only lasts about 10-15 minutes. This meeting will be followed by our October Ad Council meeting. Congratulations to Teresa Beer and her family! Early Tuesday morning, they welcomed Teresa’s second grandchild, Maverick Carter, to the world at 6 lbs 10 oz! He is beautiful and mama is doing well! Congratulations to the family, and to Wesley for being a big brother! We did not have any new prayer requests this week, but we are encouraged to keep Mark Hershey, Peyton, Lexi, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Jerry Hall, the Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon, Kurtis Haren, and Nathaniel Zuefelt in prayer. May the God of grace bless you, keep you, and give you peace. Grace and peace, Pastor Mary Beth Boesch (she/her/hers) Payette United Methodist Church - (208)642-2475 Middleton United Methodist Church - (208)585-6621 September 11, 2024
Hello everyone! Today is Patriot Day and the 23rd anniversary of the September 11th attacks, a heavy, devastating day in our nation. So I would like to open with this prayer: God of love we place in your loving arms the thousands of innocent lives that were lost on that unforgettable morning of September 11, 2001. We also remember the courage of the countless men and women who put their lives at risk in order to rescue, alleviate and bring solace to the afflicted. Help us to continue to work for a world free from every form of hatred, violence and ignorance. May terrorism -- in all its forms -- disappear from the face of the earth. Amen. Cris and Ron have made it to Barcelona and have sent me some beautiful pictures of the trip so far! I definitely miss them but I’m so glad they get to finally go on this trip. I hope this month goes by fast for us, but slow for them! I am in New Orleans for a conference this week, and when I arrived on Monday I learned about Hurricane Francine. Hurricanes change fast and Francine has gone back and forth from a tropical storm to a hurricane multiple times since I arrived. As I write this, I am hunkered down in my hotel room waiting for the storm to hit landfall. It is currently a Category 1 hurricane, which is the best case scenario if there is going to be a hurricane. The biggest concern right now is losing power, so I’m sending the newsletter today just in case I’m not able to tomorrow (I have been told by some locals that this area usually loses power). I am supposed to fly home tomorrow afternoon and the storm should be clear by tomorrow morning, so I covet your prayers for a safe, timely return home. In the meantime, I am safe, I have a flashlight and some food and water, and I am ready for whatever comes! If you need me, feel free to reach out via text or phone call, but please only reach out if it is urgent. I am leaving my phone on the charger as long as we have power, and avoiding being on my phone to conserve battery. Our UMM will meet for their monthly breakfast at Erika’s Kitchen this Saturday (September 14th) at 9:00 AM. All men are welcome to attend! This Sunday (September 15th), we are going to re-start our series through Revelation! We went through Revelation in 2022, and I wanted to go through the series with Middleton UMC. I consulted with the SPRC, and it was agreed that Payette can benefit from going through the book again so the two churches will have the same sermons. Like we did last time, we will go through Revelation in sections and focus on different passages each week. You do not have to read along if you do not want to, but you’re invited to read along throughout the week. For September 15th, read Revelation chapters 1-3. I really enjoyed this series when we did it in 2022, and I’m looking forward to doing it again! Monday afternoon coffee at Bordertown Coffee in Fruitland will resume this Monday (September 16th) from 2:00-5:00 PM. Stop by for a free coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or smoothie and a visit! I’d love to see you! Our Fall Carnival is scheduled for Saturday, October 5th from 1:00-3:00 PM. We will have a bounce house, food, lawn games, and face painting. This event is a fun chance to spend some time with our neighbors, and it is a great chance for them to get to know us! If you would like to volunteer that day, there is a sign up sheet in the foyer. Our annual Charge Conference is scheduled for Monday, October 21st at 7:00 PM. Rev. Dr. Rob Walters from Nampa UMC will be our presiding elder. Charge conference is our yearly church meeting to discuss any changes in salary and to approve committee members for the following year. There are reports that Cris and I fill out ahead of time, and the meeting itself usually only lasts about 10-15 minutes. This meeting will be followed by our October Ad Council meeting. We have some prayer requests this week. Please continue to pray for everyone impacted by the school shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia. Also pray for our nation’s leaders and policymakers. Brandon Baumler shared that his grandfather is in the hospital. Please pray for him and all hospital staff, that he may be comforted and they may find answers. Bonnie Ney is in the hospital with heart problems and she has developed pneumonia. Keep her in prayer for healing. Annie Crego’s truck was rear ended in a parking lot, and insurance has been…how insurance is. Please pray for the insurance company to be helpful, and pray for the Cregos as they navigate this not-fun situation! This morning I was reminded of a beautiful thought, and I will leave you with it: There is no part of you unknown to your Creator; there is no part of you unloved by your Creator. May the God of grace bless you, keep you, and give you peace. Grace and peace, Pastor Mary Beth Boesch (she/her/hers) Payette United Methodist Church
September 8, 2024 – 11:00 AM
Hi Everyone! September 5, 2024
Teresa, Ron and I traveled to McCall last Friday to visit Anne DeBord. The drive was easy even thought it was Labor Day weekend and it went fast because Teresa and I talked the whole way up and back. Ask Ron, he will tell you that was true! Anne is doing well and seems to be keeping busier than ever playing bridge and hanging out with her friends there. Bonnie and Mike sent some tomatoes and basil which I bet she shared and some zucchini bread which I doubt she shared! We had a nice lunch together, did a few honeydews including untangling her Vandal flag. That’s important you know! Anne will be back in Payette in about a month’s time. Caleb Smith is playing football this year and is selling Pirate Cards. They cost $25 and give discounts to several local places and give the whole $25 off for Payette home games. If you’d like to buy one, talk to Caleb next Sunday or contact me and I’ll let him know. Let’s support Caleb and PHS football. PHS beat Parma last week! Go Pirates! Just a head’s up, our annual Charge Conference is scheduled for Monday, October 21st at 7pm in conjunction with our October Ad Board Meeting. You are going to get a break from my ramblings for a few weeks. Ron and I are going on a European cruise! We’ll leave Sunday afternoon and will be back for church on September 29th. Pastor Mary Beth will do many of my tasks and will juggle my being gone with being at Middleton UMC. Leslie Olson will fill in on September 10-12. Thursday September 19th and 26th the office will be closed. The church will be open every weekday from noon until one for AA and the exercise group will be here on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I know that’s a lot to remember so maybe call before you come. Danny Crego has applied for a job as Community Liaison in Ontario. This is a newly created position and seems like a perfect fit for Danny. He would coordinate services for people. Let’s pray for everything to work out for Danny. Danny has some great news for us. He got word that he was voted forward toward Ordination! He has been on this path for several years and never gave up focus. We are proud of you Danny! Grace Hammon and her sister Jo have moved to Brookdale Assisted Living. It has been a process but Carmen reports that things have moved way more smoothly than expected. Grace and Jo can be contacted at Brookdale 1372 SW 8th Ave. Ontario, OR 97914. The Ad Board will meet on Monday, September 16th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. The Trustees will not meet this month. I received word from Dennis Haren that his son Kurtis is terminally ill. They don’t have a timeframe yet but soon will. He had surgery and a tumor removed from his back. His back is fused and he is now home, comfortable and is walking a little better. They will find out a treatment plan this week. This news is devastating to Dennis, Kurtis’ mom and siblings and the whole family. Please keep them all in your prayers. Dale Kumagai had surgery to replace his pacemaker last week. Carmen reports that he is doing just fine. Jalani Waynetska’s mom Tricia is in hospice care now. The doctors give her weeks to months to live. She has plans to attend Wesley’s first birthday party in six weeks. Let’s pray that she gets to come to the party. By then Wesley’s baby brother should have arrived! I received word from Jean Hershey that Mark’s tests came back and he has NO cancer! Amen to that! He is recovering from the surgery a little slow for his liking but will be just fine. Danny asks for prayers for a family member’s health. Let’s keep praying for the firefighters in our forests and for all the people the fires are impacting. As always, pray for peace now more than ever. Have a great week and remember: you are Beautiful Eccl 3:11, Amazing Ps.139:14, Victorious Rom 8:13, Capable Mark 10:27, Enough 2 Cor.12:9, Chosen 1 Thess 1:14, Strong Phil. 4:13, Created Gen. 1:31, Never Alone Matt 28:20 and Always Loved Rom. 8:38 I’ll miss you all but I’m very excited to begin our journey. Please pray for safe travels for Ron and I and my brother Russ and his wife Paula. See you soon! Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
September 1, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song “This Is The Day” UMH#657 2x Call to Worship Tony Irwin One: Rejoice, for we are God’s beloved! Many: Rejoice, for this is our time for worship! One: God our Creator, Healer, and Inspiration, is worthy of worship! Many: So then, let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) Tony Irwin God of all, open our hearts and minds to find your truth in all places. Teach us your unforced rhythms of grace so that our ordinary lives might reflect your Wisdom; through Christ our Lord. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: James 1:17-27 (CEB) Praise Song: “For the Beauty of the Earth” UMH#92 vs 1,4,6 Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “Just A Closer Walk With Thee” TFWS#2158 all vs. Sermon: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 (CEB) Danny Crego Praise Song: “Let Our Earth Be Peaceful” Worship and Song #3159 Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego One: May the boldness of God's Spirit transform you; May the gentleness of God's Spirit lead you; May the gifts of God's Spirit equip you to serve and worship God, now and always. Many: As we go into the world, may our love be bold, our spirits be gentle, and may everyone we meet encounter Christ in us. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Mark Hershey, Peyton, Lexi, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Jerry Hall, Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon, Kurtis Haren, Nathaniel Zuefelt, Jalani Waynetska’s mom Tricia, Rodger Hood. Jim Hardenbrook’s stepmom Jo passed away suddenly. Keep the family in your prayers Upcoming Events The Wednesday night men’s bible study will resume this week at 6:30. The Adult Sunday School Class will next Sunday, September 8th at 9:45. Everyone is welcome! The United Methodist Men will have their monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday, September 14th at 9:00 a.m.at Erika’s Kitchen. All men are invited to attend. The date of our Neighborhood Fall Carnival has been changed to October 5th from 1-3. Donations are needed to pay for the bounce house and cotton candy machine. Monday Coffee With the Pastor will resume on Sept. 16th |
February 2025