Hi Everyone! August 29, 2024
I hope all is well with you. I’ve been enjoying these cool nights, warm days and blue skies. That’s why we live in the West! Rodger Hood had a scare late last week. He was life flighted to the hospital in Caldwell and had surgery for a pacemaker. He came through that just fine and is doing well. Sheri says he has pink skin, rosy cheeks and his sparkling eyes are back! This pacemaker is serving him well. Keep him in your prayers. The September-October edition of The Upper Room is available now at the church. If you need help getting one, please let me know. There has been some confusion about Fruitland UMC’s Worship in the Park this Sunday. We are invited to attend but we will still have our service at PUMC at 11:00. Danny Crego will lead our service and deliver the sermon. The Men’s Bible Study will resume in September. They will meet on Wednesday, September 4th at 6:30 p.m. and every Wednesday after that. All men (and our pastor 😊) are invited to join this Bible Study. The Adult Sunday School Class will resume on Sunday, September 8th starting at 9:45. Monday Coffee With the Pastor will be suspended for now and will resume on Monday, September 16th. Our Neighborhood Fall Carnival is now scheduled for Saturday, October 5th from 1-3. This event features fun events for kids including a bounce house, lawn games, face painting, hot dogs, cotton candy, balloon sculptures and even a new event! We do this carnival in the fall to remind our neighbors that we are still here and that we love them. It is free for everyone and has been very successful. We will need volunteers for the booths and donations to pay for the bounce house and cotton candy. If you would like to donate, please write “fall carnival” on your check. We appreciate you! We have some prayer requests this week. I just learned that Jim Hardenbrook’s step mom Jo passed away suddenly this week. She was an important part of the Hardenbrook family. Please keep them all in your prayers. David Knight’s brother, Ray is in the final stages of his life due to cancer. Please keep Ray and his family in your prayers. Brandon Baumler’s crew member had a bad fall last week and dislocated his shoulder. They were in a remote setting and it took a while to get proper medical care. Our prayer is that Emmanuel will heal quickly and not need surgery. When watching the news, it is very evident that much of Idaho’s forest is on fire. Please keep homeowners, firefighters and other staff in your prayers. It wouldn’t hurt to pray for rain or snow either. Keep these folks in your prayers: Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, the Taylor Family, Kurtis Haren, Noah Howard, Lexi, Peyton, Nathaniel Zuefelt, Jalani Waynetska’s mom Tricia, Grace Hammon, Grace’s sister Jo Wining, Clarity Farmer and Mark Hershey. I’ve been interested in my ancestry lately and found that my mom’s roots are in England, Denmark, Sweden and Ireland so today I leave you with the Irish Blessing. I sang this blessing many times in my life as a Girl Scout. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; The rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. Blessings, Cris
Payette United Methodist Church
Sunday, August 25th, 2024 [Ordinary Time (Proper 16)] – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song Call to Worship - Mike Hall Opening Prayer (in unison) - Mike Hall God of love, how extraordinary is your Ordinary Time! We ask that you will continue to bless us with all we need; and that our everyday lives may be gifted with the richness of your love, so we may be empowered to share your message of hope, reach out to those in need, and bring honor and glory to you. Amen. Scripture Reading - Mike Hall Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:10-18 (CEB) Finally, be strengthened by the Lord’s powerful strength. Put on God’s armor so that you can make a stand against the tricks of the devil. We aren’t fighting against human enemies but against rulers, authorities, forces of cosmic darkness, and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens. Therefore, pick up the full armor of God so that you can stand your ground on the evil day and after you have done everything possible to still stand. So stand with the belt of truth around your waist, justice as your breastplate, and put shoes on your feet so that you are ready to spread the good news of peace. Above all, carry the shield of faith so that you can extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is God’s word. Praise Song: Children's time - MB Prayers of the People- MB Offering Prayer - MB Sing together: Doxology (UMH #94) Prayer Hymn Sermon - John 6:56-69 (CEB) - MB Praise Song Communion Sending / Benediction: One: Beloved, let us go forth into the world in peace and dedicated to the service of our Lord. Let us hold fast to that which is good, render to no person evil for evil, strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the needy and the afflicted, and honor all people. Many: Let us love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of God’s Spirit. And may God’s blessing be upon us and remain with us always. Amen. Hi Everyone! August 22, 2024
You probably all know that school has started! This is the time of year that I remind you to pray for the teachers and students everywhere. Pray that the students and teachers learn this year; pray for a calm environment and maybe most importantly pray for safety. Our church is a sanctuary for Payette Primary students to go to in case of emergency and we never want to use the church for that reason. Pastor Bill Hays said we should say a prayer every time we pass by any school. I like that idea. As our own Leighton Steiniker begins kindergarten, Kathryn, Lizzy and Caleb begin their senior year. Congrats to all! This Saturday we will meet with our District Superintendent, Karen Hernandez at 3:15 for our annual Check In With the Superintendent. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting. The Ad Board is requested to attend. Our Staff Parish Committee will meet with Rev. Hernandez afterwards. The Fit and Fall Proof Class that meets here at PUMC has changed the starting time. They now meet on Tuesday mornings at 9:00 and on Thursday at 9:30. The new time allows our Tuesday Bible Study members to attend the exercise class. If you have ever thought about attending the exercise class you should give it a try. Everyone works on their own level and they all feel welcome. Just show up and the leader, Karen will take care of you! Pastor Clynton from the Fruitland UMC has invited us to Worship in the Park on Sunday, September 1st at 9:30. There will be no Monday Coffee With the Pastor this coming week. The Adult Bible Study will resume on Monday, September 8th at 9:45. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have been thinking about going to Sunday School, this is an excellent time to give it a try. We have a new date for our annual Neighborhood Fall Carnival. It will now be on Saturday, October 5th. Planning has started and we will need some donations and lots of volunteers. Please put it on your calendar. We do have some prayer requests this week. Teresa Beer’s daughter in law Jalani traveled to Seattle last week to be with her mom Tricia as she decided to stop cancer treatments. Please pray for Tricia and her family as they navigate this hard time. Mark Hershey had successful surgery to remove cancer from his colon last week. Tests results are forthcoming but everything looked good. Keep praying. Caleb Smith’s friend Nathaniel Zuefelt who was burned in an accident with gasoline was able to come home last week. He will travel to Idaho Falls for treatments every week but is making a good recovery. My great friend Julie McHaffie had successful knee replacement surgery on Monday and is doing well. Please keep her in your prayers. Grace Hammon and her sister Jo will be moving to Brookdale Senior Living in Ontario at the beginning of September. Keep them both in your prayers as they make this transition. Grace would very much like someone to adopt her two cats before she moves. If you are interested or know someone who is, please let me know. Our praise songs for Sunday are Desert Song and While We Sing. You can click on the blue links and listen in to prepare for Sunday’s service. B begin your day with L love in your heart E expect blessings S share goodness S shine like the sun and I inspire someone N never forget that G God is with you all the time! Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
August 18, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song “Give Thanks” TFWS#2036 Call to Worship - Sharon Wada One: A love that never ceases, Many: A creativity that designed the universe, One: A hope that cannot be quenched, Many: A pursuit of reconciliation no matter the cost: One: These are the things that are of God, Many: Then let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Sharon Wada God of love, how extraordinary is your Ordinary Time! We ask that you will continue to bless us with all we need; and that our everyday lives may be gifted with the richness of your love, so we may be empowered to share your message of hope, reach out to those in need, and bring honor and glory to you. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 5:15-20 (CEB) Praise Song: “Holy is the Lord” Video Presentation Children’s Time Glenora Wright Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “O Blessed Spring” TFWS#2076 vs.1,3,5 Sermon: John 15:1-8 (NKJV) - Ruth Simerly Praise Song: “Reign in Us” Video Presentation Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego One: Beloved, let us go forth into the world in peace and dedicated to the service of our Lord. Let us hold fast to that which is good, render to no person evil for evil, strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the needy and the afflicted, and honor all people. Many: Let us love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of God’s Spirit. And may God’s blessing be upon us and remain with us always. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Mark Hershey, Peyton, Lexi, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Jerry Hall, Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon, Kurtis Haren Upcoming Events The Ad Board will meet tomorrow, August 19th at 7:00 p.m. The Trustees will not meet this month. Our Annual Check-In with the District Superintendent will be at PUMC on Saturday, August 24th at 3:15. Everyone is invited, SPRC members are required to attend and Ad Board Members are encouraged to attend. Our Neighborhood Fall Carnival will be on Saturday, September 21st. We will need donations and volunteers. Save the date! Hi Everyone! August 15, 2024
We had a bit of bluish clear sky on Tuesday along with a few raindrops. It might not have helped with the fires much but it helped me be hopeful that better weather will come again. In a couple of months, we will be complaining about being cold. That’s what a four-season region looks like. The Ad Board will meet on Monday, August 19th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting. The Trustees will not meet this month. Pastor Mary Beth will officiate a graveside service for Jeanette Olund on Saturday. August 24th at 11:30 at Evergreen Cemetery. Some may know her from Ontario UMC. Her daughter wanted us to know. Sharon Parsons stopped by the office to tell me a feel-good story about her grandson John Bell. When he fell off of the roof the first guy who got to John had him lie back down and tended to him while EMS was on the way. I’m not even sure that John remembers his guy. Fast forward several weeks. John is home recuperating and he gets a call from this guy who turns out is a retired doctor. He asks John if he can come see him and John says sure! This doctor was shocked when he saw him looking so good. The doctor was amazed at his progress and agrees with us that his recovery is a miracle. Do you think it was an accident that the doctor was there for John after his fall? I do not. Not only that…. He brought him a check for over $5,000 that he gathered from the neighbors to help John and his family out. I told you it was a feel-good story! What a blessing! There is good news from friends of the Boesches, the Taylor Family from Ohio. Their prayers have been and are being answered and they thank us for praying for them. We received word from Steve Simonson for whom we have been praying for several months. He is feeling fine and is healthy. What an answer to prayer! Have you been wondering how you can help the firefighters in our area? Albertsons in Payette has set up a display making it easy to see which items they need. If you purchase the items, Albertsons will get them to the right place. Please continue to pray for the people of Lahaina on Maui. They are still recovering from the wildfire that ravaged the area. Keep the Clarke Family in your prayers. Heidi Kittlemann Clarke’s brother-in-law passed away unexpectedly so please keep praying for them. One of Payette High School’s students was burned in an accident involving gasoline. Please keep Nathaniel Zuefelt and his family in your prayers. Please keep Grace Hammon and her sister Jo in your prayers as they make plans to move into assisted living. They may need help moving so know that I will be asking for your help. Keep these folks on your prayer list: Kurtis Haren, Lis Williamson, Irene Jeffries, Mark Hershey, Peyton, Lexi, Anne DeBord, Noah Howard, Clarity Farmer, Jerry Hall, and the Homan Family. It seems like almost every sermon we listen to no matter the preacher mentions Thomas. We know him as Doubting Thomas. This is just a retired kindergarten teacher perspective but I think we need Thomas. I think Jesus choose him because he questioned everything. We are allowed to doubt and that gives me peace. Don’t beat yourself up for doubting, instead think of Thomas and give yourself a break! Have a great rest of the week and we hope to see you at church! Blessings, Cris Hi Everybody! August 8, 2024
I can’t stop thinking about how well our School Supply Fair went this year. We fine tune it every year and this year was the best ever. We prepared 169 students for the first day of school. They will walk into their classroom just like everyone else with their supplies. It’s a huge deal. Not only are the kids happy, their parents are relieved. So many people said thank you! A huge thank you to everyone who helped. I was going to try and list all the ways that you helped but I would certainly leave someone out. We have such a kind, generous, loving congregation and you are appreciated. I’m proud of us! A big shout out to Teresa Beer for leading our team and to James and Pastor Mary Beth for working so hard. This year we offered a free haircut to 20 kids. They came out of that room shining. It was fun to watch. We appreciate Cassie and Ashley for adding this service to our event. They plan to help out next year. We also had Gloria and our own Teresa Gardener offering school clothes from the Community Closet and we had a representative from Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. She signed up several families to receive free books for kids 0-5 years old. Our United Methodist Men served food to about a million people. We will be asking for more help for them next year. They worked too hard. Now everyone, take a rest until Saturday, September 21st when we will have our Neighborhood Carnival. It’s our next event to love our community. The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, August 13th at noon in the Fellowship Hall. The Fireside Room is busy at that time with our AA group. The Ad Board will meet on Monday, August 19th at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend. The Trustees will not meet this month. John and Jeanie Sandquist were back in church for the first time following John’s knee replacement surgery. It was great having them back. He looks great! I heard from Karen Sagehorn that her friend Linda is safe from the wildfires in Colorado. She is thankful for our prayers. I received a message last night from Dennis Haren asking for prayer for his son Kurtis. He has a malignant melanoma in his calf and 3 fractures in his back. Keep Kurt, Dennis and the whole family in your prayers. Let’s also pray for the family for the little boy who drowned in the canal in Boise. It’s such a shame. Ken Phelps has been sick with severe cold like symptoms and chest congestion. Please pray for healing for Ken. Glenora and her kids took a trip to their ranch last Sunday to see for themselves the devastation that the wildfires caused. What they need now is some gentle rain to coax the grasses to grow for cattle feed. Continue to pray for ranchers and firefighters. Glenora’s granddaughter Amanda lives in the Carolinas and is being affected by Hurricane Debby. Pray for safety for Amanda and her family. As always pray for peace for the Middle East. Things are precarious there for sure. As I told you last week, this will James Boesch’s last Sunday with us since he is now the musical director at Nampa UMC. Please let him know how we appreciate him. Have a great rest of the week and we hope to see you in church on Sunday. Wherever we go today, let us step into favor and blessings. Blessings, Cris Payette United Methodist Church
August 11, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song “Sanctuary” TFWS#2164 x2 Call to Worship - Glenora Wright One: A love that never ceases, Many: A creativity that designed the universe, One: A hope that cannot be quenched, Many: A pursuit of reconciliation no matter the cost: One: These are the things that are of God, Many: Then let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Glenora Wright God of love, how extraordinary is your Ordinary Time! We ask that you will continue to bless us with all we need; and that our everyday lives may be gifted with the richness of your love, so we may be empowered to share your message of hope, reach out to those in need, and bring honor and glory to you. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:25-5:2 (CEB) Praise Song: “My Victory” Music Team Children’s Time Pastor Mary Beth Prayers of the People Pastor Mary Beth Offering Prayer Pastor Mary Beth Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “We Will Glorify the King of Kings” TFWS#2087 vs.1,3,4 Sermon: John 14:1-6 (CEB) Pastor Mary Beth Praise Song: “Come As You Are” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Pastor Mary Beth One: Beloved, let us go forth into the world in peace and dedicated to the service of our Lord. Let us hold fast to that which is good, render to no person evil for evil, strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the needy and the afflicted, and honor all people. Many: Let us love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of God’s Spirit. And may God’s blessing be upon us and remain with us always. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Mark Hershey, Peyton, Anne DeBord, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Jerry Hall, Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon, the Homan family, John Sandquist, Glenora’s family ranch, Upcoming Events The Finance Committee will meet at noon on Tuesday, August 13th in the Fellowship Hall. The Ad Board will meet on Monday, August 19th at 7:00 p.m. The Trustees will not meet this month. Our Annual Check In with the District Superintendent will be at PUMC on Saturday, August 24th at 3:15. Everyone is invited, SPRC members are required to attend and Ad Board Members are encouraged to attend. Our Annual Fall Carnival will be on Saturday, September 21st. We will need donations and volunteers. Save the date! Payette United Methodist Church
August 4, 2024 – 11:00 AM Welcome Passing the Peace “Family of God” Calling Song “In Unity We Lift Our Song” TFWS#2221 vs. 1,2 Call to Worship - Ken Phelps One: A love that never ceases, Many: A creativity that designed the universe, One: A hope that cannot be quenched, Many: A pursuit of reconciliation no matter the cost: One: These are the things that are of God, Many: Then let us worship God! Opening Prayer (in unison) - Ken Phelps God of love, how extraordinary is your Ordinary Time! We ask that you will continue to bless us with all we need; and that our everyday lives may be gifted with the richness of your love, so we may be empowered to share your message of hope, reach out to those in need, and bring honor and glory to you. Amen. Hymn: Gloria Patri UMH#70 Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:1-16 (CEB) Praise Song: “Sometimes” Music Team Children’s Time Cris Warzyn Prayers of the People Danny Crego Offering Prayer Danny Crego Doxology UMH#94 Prayer Hymn: “And Are We Yet Alive” UMH#553 vs. 1,2,6 Sermon: John 11:21-27 (CEB) Danny Crego Praise Song: “Living Hope” Music Team Communion Service Announcements Sending Forth/Benediction Danny Crego One: Beloved, let us go forth into the world in peace and dedicated to the service of our Lord. Let us hold fast to that which is good, render to no person evil for evil, strengthen the faint-hearted, support the weak, help the needy and the afflicted, and honor all people. Many: Let us love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in the power of God’s Spirit. And may God’s blessing be upon us and remain with us always. Amen. Prayer List Continue to pray for: Mark Hershey, Peyton, Anne DeBord, Jill Hanigan, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Jerry Hall, Taylor Family, Noah Howard, Clarity, Grace Hammon, the Homan family, John Sandquist, the Homan family, Glenora’s family ranch, Upcoming Events No Monday Coffee With the Pastor this week. The United Methodist Men will not meet in August. Our Annual Fall Carnival will be on Saturday, September 21st. We will need donations and volunteers. Save the date! Hi Everyone! August 1, 2024
The thought of being in August used to put chills up my spine because I knew school was starting soon. I absolutely loved my job as a kindergarten teacher but I didn’t love August because of all the work I had ahead of me getting my classroom ready. Working with new kids was great but the starting over was challenging for sure. Let’s keep kids and teachers in our prayers this month. (and always) We are ready for our School Supply Fair which will be this Saturday morning. The shopping is finished and as always you came through with the money. Thanks to many people, the items are organized and in the classrooms. We seriously are so grateful for all of the help you always provide! If you are bringing cookies and/or volunteering, please arrive at the church no later than 9:00. The doors will open at 10:00 and we feel better about the way we are handling the crowds this year. If you have a church shirt, wear it but if you don’t, it’s fine. Let’s do this thing! We have a wagon at church that is used a lot but it has an ongoing problem of always having flat tires. I’m reaching out to you to see if anyone has expertise with tires and can offer advice or even taking it away and fixing it for good if that’s an option. Please let me know if you are this person! Glenora received great news that she has a new great granddaughter. Sophie Marie was born on Tuesday and mom and baby are fine. I saw pictures and Sophie is perfect! Congrats to Glenora. The United Methodist Men will not have their monthly meeting in August. I have some bittersweet news about someone very important to us. Our own James Boesch has accepted a position with Nampa UMC as their Music Director. He will be worshipping in Nampa now. His last Sunday with us will be August 11th. I appreciate what James has brought to our church and will miss him. He will continue to be our “go to” for social media and tech issues and will help with special events. Please let James know how much we appreciate him before he leaves! There will be no Monday Afternoon Coffee With the Pastor this coming Monday, August 5th. It will resume next week. We have some prayer requests this week. There was a tragedy on our golf course last week. Linda Brown was stung repeatedly, was life flighted to Boise and passed away. Many of our folks knew Linda and golfed with her. Please keep her husband Gary and family along with her friends in your prayers. Our church will be hosting her funeral on Friday at 4:00 p.m. Heidi Kittlemann Clarke’s brother-in-law Jake passed away suddenly in his home last week. He was only 41 years old. He had diabetes and it is thought that it contributed to his death. Please pray for Heidi, her husband Ben and girls along with Jake’s whole family. Continue to pray for fire fighters and everyone affected by wildfires. Glenora’s ranch was severely affected in many ways along with many others. They are making good progress on our fires but now California is ablaze and we are getting smoke from there. We could sure use some rain around here! We heard from Deanna Carr that John Sandquist is doing okay after his knee replacement. She reports that he and Jeanie are in good spirits but that he is still in quite a bit of pain. Keep the prayers coming! Mari Lynn Ogburn asked us to pray for a friend of hers who is having cataract surgery soon. This friend is 82 and asked us to pray for them. I have a special request for prayer for a family friend. Years ago, I asked for prayer for Lexi whose kidney was failing. Her dad was a perfect match and all was well until it wasn’t. She received another kidney and now it is failing. She is currently in an induced coma in ICU and they are trying to find her another kidney or put her on permanent dialysis. She is 18 years old. Please pray for Lexi, her mom Lori, her dad Matthew and brother Nathan. Karen Sagehorn asks us to pray for her friend Linda and husband who are getting ready to evacuate their home due to severe fire danger only seven miles from their home in Colorado. Pray for safety for them, their property and the firefighters as they protect lives. Continue to pray for the Taylor family, Irene Jeffries, Lis Williamson, Doris, Jana and Julie, Grace Hammon, Mark Hershey, Peyton, Anne DeBord, Noah Howard, Jerry Hall and Clarity Farmer. I won’t do this the justice it deserves but I’ll give it a try. In her sermon last Sunday, our pastor said we should view our lives like a cluttered attic. We should declutter it. Clean out the things we don’t need so we can make room for love and focus on what should be there. Are there things that clutter my mind and soul that just need to be thrown out? You bet there are. I plan to work on that. Have a great rest of your week and we hope to see you on Sunday! Blessings, Cris |
January 2025